At the head of KINCS, Tünde Főrész has been working to solve population problems for more than seven years. In addition, he pays special attention to the promotion of the traditional family model, Young said in his eulogy. Zoltán Lomnici, who said about the award, that it is a great honor for him to be able to speak about the extremely important leader of an extremely valuable organization.

Zoltán Lomnici Jr.

Photo: Levente Görgényi /

Jr. Dr. Zoltán Lomnici Laudation / Tünde Saw - President of the Kopp Mária Institute for Population and Families

“The family is the basis of our socialization. The kind of trust and unconditional self -sacrificing love that we give and get here is not or very rarely experienced elsewhere, ” says Maria Kopp's eternal thoughts.

Professor built her entire life and work around the tireless emphasis on the theme and importance of the family. One of his main professional goals was the establishment of a wide range of social cooperation that keeps the issue of demographic situation on the agenda, while making recommendations for the measures to improve this, so that having children should not be burdened and troubled, but blessing and happiness.

After all, as Mary Kopp put it: "The family is the basis of our happiness and the secret of long life, a more serious health factor than to avoid smoking." At the same time, the happiness of the family itself depends largely on whether there is a community in which families "find a spiritual environment and sometimes financial assistance where they help each other and get help."


Dear ladies and gentlemen!

 It is no exaggeration to say that one of the most prominent acting representatives of this intellectual heritage created by Professor Mary Kopp is today.

Tünde Fűrész is a law enforcement economist, married, mother of three girls. He continued his studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Budapest University of Economics, the University of Economics of Budapest. After graduating, he deepened his skills in the ELTE legal training institute.

Since 2010, he has been an active role in Hungarian family policy. First, as a deputy head of deputy head of department responsible for the field, and then as a deputy secretary of state for family and population policy, he worked to achieve the family policy goals of national-conservative governments. He participated, among other things, in the development of the Family Protection Act, and later played an indispensable role in the transformation of the Hungarian nursery system, which had already oversee the process as a ministerial commissioner.

Since December 2017, the Kopp Mária Institute, created by the Hungarian Government, has been president of the Population and Families (Treasure), in which he has been working for more than 7 years for solving our population problems and for the expansion, strengthening and strengthening of families who maintain our country.

He does all of this from the determined inner conviction that we have moral faith ourselves. Namely, family and population policy is not just one of national strategic issues, but also a common cause that determines the survival of our nation in the long run. Namely, without the migration of possible roads leading to the population turnaround, the establishment of family policy philosophy and, in this context, the stopping of population decline, and the construction of our common future is inconceivable.

In an earlier interview, Mrs President said that the elementary community of the family is the basis of our Christian culture. “There would be no Christianity, no Christians, if a new family was born with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem at that time, because when a child was born, a family was born. This is a certainty that cannot be questioned. This is how God told us to estimate this smallest community of our lives and preserve and protect them. ”

In line with this, Pope Francis also emphasized at the Mass held in Rome on the tenth world meeting of the families that "the family is the place where one learns to love and step out of himself!"

 Now, shortly after the celebration of Christmas, the persistent work of President Tünde Saw, and the former thoughts should serve as an exemplary value in these difficult times, when a family institution is contrary to continuous attack and relativization of the family institutions flowing from the West, You need to protect and strengthen faith, morality and common sense.


Dear gathering!

Since 2016, the Civil Covenant Forum-Civil Covenant Public Benefit Foundation (CÖF-COKA) has been awarded the Intellectual Patriotic Award to civilian and public figures who are doing outstanding work to protect and enforce our national interests.

It is a great honor for me to announce that, according to the Foundation's Board of Trustees, this year, award winner .

Congratulations to you, President!

Zoltán Lomnici Jr


Tünde Főrész's speech of thanks and the Younger who praised him. Zoltán Lomnici's eulogy can be viewed here:


Photo: Levente Görgényi /

"The vigilance of civil society is becoming more and more important" - The Spiritual Patriot awards were presented