"A check and nothing else: 5,000 billion on it, and the capital can take the area, with which it has not done anything for 30 years," wrote Minister of Construction and Transport János Lázár on his Facebook page.
"Gergely Kárácsony announced good news today: he found money and a legal opportunity to finally liquidate the unseemly garbage dump in the middle of the city he leads, which has not bothered him either as district mayor or as mayor," said the minister.
documents certifying the financial guarantees for the coverage of the land purchase, the complete cleaning, recultivation and remediation of the area, as well as the urban development project of the same or greater extent as the foreign real estate developer
documents certifying the financial guarantees for the coverage of the land purchase, the complete cleaning, recultivation and remediation of the area, as well as the urban development project of the same or greater extent as the foreign real estate developer
- listed János Lázár.
"The right of first refusal is a serious matter. Not only an opportunity, but also a responsibility. You can live with it, Mr. Mayor. So the government welcomes the mayor's pre-emptive intention, for which he only needs to present a HUF 5,000 billion collateral, which makes his offer equivalent to that of the Arab investor," the minister said in a statement.
Source: MTI
Cover photo: Facebook/János Lázár