On the front line - Conversations with József Szájer


The XXI. The Század Institute and the House of Terror respectfully invite those interested to the presentation of the book Frontline - Conversations with József Szájer, at which the political scientist G. Fodor Gábor will praise, and then there will be a round table discussion, at which Anikó Lévai, goodwill ambassador of the Ecumenical Relief Organization, historian Mária Schmidt, the XXI Század Institute director-general, lawyer József Szájer, director of the Free Europe Institute and historian-political scientist Márton Békés, the XXI. The director of Szazad Institute will participate. The moderator will be Dorottya Baczoni, the editor of the volume.

Date: November 26 (Tuesday), 5 p.m.

Location: House of Terror Museum (1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 60.)

The organizers ask interested parties to indicate their intention to participate no later than November 25 at 4 p.m. rendezveny@xxiszazadintezet.hu . Registration is valid when the applicant receives the confirmation letter.

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