The Miskolc Club of the Civil Solidarity Forum held its memorial march and commemoration on the occasion of the Székely Freedom Day on March 7. The speech given by the originator István László Vass at the statue of St. Stephen is summarized below:
"Dear friends!
...The Székely Freedom Day is a commemorative day held on March 10 every year based on the decision of the Székely National Council on January 6, 2012, the day of the unity of Székely.
This day was chosen because on March 10, 1854, college teacher János Török Bágyi, lawyer Mihály Gálffy Martonosi, and landowner Károly Horváth Nagyváradi, the Székely Martyrs, were executed on March 10, 1854, at Postarét in Marosvásárhely. As members of the Makk conspiracy, they wanted to rekindle the flame of the failed Hungarian revolution and freedom struggle. They gave their lives for national self-determination, thus becoming role models of courage and loyalty...
...Regarding the Memorial Day, I started to inquire about where I could join such an event and it turned out that there is no such thing near or far in our area, and they have not even heard of it!
Since I have many living connections in Székelyföld, and the other end of each connection reaches one friend at a time, this went very badly and I decided that it couldn't stay like that, so I started organizing a solidarity march myself...
And from where to where?
Well, my real residence, which is not too far from here, was the starting point, as a symbolic Motherland, and the destination was my real plot on the Templompart-dülő in Görömböly, as a symbolic Székelyland, which received the symbolic handshake with my march, the thanks and gratitude for the sacrifice I once made , tribute to the heroes, solidarity with our friends who are living now, who were taken away from their homeland by historical injustice and trapped beyond borders.
It seems that - as they say - my message got through, because every year there were more of us and I am still here because I am confident that there will be more and more of us who see the Hungarians abroad as national brothers and that we have things in common both in trouble and in joy, because we are "of one blood"!