Vaccination is taking a new level: based on the decision of the capital's vaccination working group, in Budapest, in addition to family doctor's surgeries and hospital vaccination points, specialist clinics will also be included in the vaccination from Saturday, so that as many people as possible can receive the vaccine during the Easter holidays, the Budapest Capital Government Office announced.
For the Easter holidays, the general practitioners in the capital can therefore refer those who need to be vaccinated not only to hospital vaccination points, but also to vaccination points in specialist clinics. Of course, the 18 specialist clinics in Budapest designated for vaccination also received vaccines through the government offices. According to the preliminary report of general practitioners, on Saturday and Sunday, approximately 15,000 people registered in Budapest will be vaccinated only in specialist clinics, they informed.
The Moderna vaccine required for vaccination was already delivered by the government office to the 18 specialist clinics before the weekend, where registered patients organized by general practitioners are vaccinated on Saturdays and Sundays. It is expected that the vaccination in specialist clinics can continue after the weekend - on Easter Monday and Tuesday - as AstraZeneca is also available to specialist clinics on Easter Sunday, and general practitioners in the capital have the opportunity to organize vaccination for this as well. Vaccinators and their assistants are required to be provided by specialist clinics as officially designated vaccination points.
Based on the provisions of the National Vaccination Working Group, family doctor's offices, hospitals and specialist surgeries are also designated vaccination points. Until now, however, most of the specialized clinics have not yet operated as active vaccination points, because there was not enough vaccine to start vaccination there, they wrote in the announcement.
Since both general practitioners in the capital and hospital vaccination points in the capital currently carry out significant tasks in vaccinating the registered elderly and teachers, the involvement of the specialist clinics in the capital has become justified and possible from the Moderna vaccine that arrived this week and the AstraZeneca vaccine that arrived on Thursday, they indicated.
In its announcement, the office emphasizes that, among other things, in order to ensure the implementation of the vaccination program, the local government clinics were placed under the control of the county hospitals (center hospitals in the capital) for the duration of the emergency. Local government-run specialist clinics and their employees must also participate in epidemic prevention and vaccination. The health care provider operating a municipal clinic is responsible for the legality, regularity, and professionalism of the vaccination activities it carries out, and the managers of municipal clinics have an increased responsibility to perform their leadership and management tasks in the vaccination program as well.