Manfred Weber loves us. To insult. And he loves to lie about us. Even more about Fidesz, which he hates, since he is (also) thanks to the representatives of the Hungarian party that he is not the head of the European Commission today. Of course, he forgets that he himself rudely rejected Fidesz's support.

Comrade Weber wants to hug us to his bosom and squeeze us (with love) until we run out of steam. He could keep his mouth shut after the departure of Fidesz, after all, what does he have to do with the Hungarian Christian-conservative community, but no, the desire for revenge does not subside in his little soul. On March 7, for example, he published an opinion article in the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, in which he was unable to classify Fidesz, which left the European People's Party, as far-right, and which, according to him, has become an ally of the AfD.

Manfred shot at the target with this claim, but he did not hit the target, he only hit the udder between the horns.

The comrade is not bothered by the fact that it was not Fidesz that threw away its principles, but that the People's Party led by it (by Weber) is not so slowly transforming into a company even more left-wing than the communists , it does not matter to him that they have had nothing to do with Christian democracy for a long time, and nor, of course, that Fidesz was simply left with no choice, they launched a vile chase, and with even more vile means they created a situation that could not be accepted with common sense.

Katalin Novák, the vice president of Fidesz, also responded to Weber's attack in the German newspaper:

"Nowadays, nominally center-right parties no longer represent values ​​such as freedom, the nation, the traditional family, Christian culture and human dignity. In the past 11 years, three decisions respecting the European legal order have been made, which are considered an unforgivable crime by the left-liberal media and politics:

In 2011, we established in the Basic Law that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman,
in 2015 we said no to mass immigration, and now Hungarians are vaccinated with vaccines approved by our national authorities.

In Europe, decisions are considered a crime from the moment one ... member state deviates from this path (as in the case of marriage between a man and a woman), they are considered a crime until a large member state also chooses this path (procurement of a Russian vaccine in Germany) and remain unforgivable , until a large member state finally realizes its mistake (see migration).

Weber is wrong when he accuses Fidesz of cooperating with the AfD. For us, the CDU and the CSU are our natural political allies in Germany, we do not plan to enter into an alliance with other German parties. We strictly distance ourselves from parties that do not stand up for the constitutional order. Not like at home the entire opposition consisting of post-communists, socialists, liberals and greens, who joined an alliance with an openly anti-Semitic, racist party."

Katalin Novák's entire article can be read here.