The CNN news channel deliberately influenced the viewers in the US presidential election campaign - this is reported by one of the channel's high-ranking executives in several hidden camera videos. Among other things, Charlie Chester talked about how they worked to bring down Donald Trump. According to him, all this is art that changes the world - it was said in the M1 News.

"The goal was to remove Trump from office. And we did it! Trump has failed! I came to CNN to be a part of this," Charlie Chester, the technical director of one of the most well-known American news channels, CNN, said in a hidden camera recording. Chester's words were recorded by Project Veritas, an American newsroom specializing in revealing material.

A senior CNN executive was tricked into thinking he was on a date. The investigative journalist asked Charlie Chester about his work, who unsuspectingly revealed astonishing things about the inner workings, ideological and political commitment of the market-leading – and influential worldwide – news channel.

He explained, for example, how they influenced the American presidential election campaign: while they tried to exaggerate Donald Trump's health problems with medical experts, they often showed Joe Biden jogging to distract attention from his age.

The goal was for the viewers to see him as fit and athletic. This is pure propaganda, the CNN employee admitted.

In a subsequent video, Charlie Chester said about racism: he looked at CNN's attacks on Asian Americans and was confronted with the fact that they were mostly committed by African-American men. However, this "wouldn't have gone over well" on screen, as CNN was "trying to help the Black Lives Matter movement."

The three-part hidden camera recording also reveals that at CNN, the CEO of the channel, Jeff Zucker, decides what can be talked about.

It also comes to light that the channel is already preparing for the period when the leading topic will not be the coronavirus, but - according to Charlie Chester - probably global warming, because the story is sold by fear, which means that CNN needs such content that causes fear in people.

CNN's technical manager, who calls himself objective and credible, summed it all up as follows: in his opinion, manipulation is an art that the channel uses to change the world.

Zoltán Kovács: CNN's perfected manipulation is one of the most dangerous developments in recent times

The art of systematic manipulation, perfected by CNN, is one of the most dangerous developments in recent times. When this is connected with political goals, with the campaign of uncertainty in health protection in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, it is literally life-threatening and requires human lives, stated Zoltán Kovács, the state secretary responsible for international communication and relations.


Cover image: Illustration / CNN