In the iconic picture of the First World War, a man with a big mustache and piercing eyes points at the viewer and calls everyone with the phrase "the country needs you". Lord Kitchener's image became the most famous recruitment poster of the First World War, a symbol of an era and a country.

Believe me, this poster would now, after 100 years, tell us to go, register, get vaccinated.

Because just imagine, that index finger is now pointing at us, encouraging us to go get vaccinated.

I am speaking to those who have not yet registered, who are still hesitating, who have wrong information, or who have simply waited.

It's time. It's not worth waiting any longer. So far, 800 million vaccines have been administered worldwide, 3 million 300 thousand in this country.

Let's look at the facts. In addition, in addition to the huge number, the number of proven, that is, serious side effects that can be clearly associated with the vaccine is negligible. And anyone who thinks that this is because someone covers up and censors reality probably doesn't know how the world works. On the one hand, the internet cannot be filtered. And since there are quite a few people who, for one reason or another, have an interest in reducing the role of vaccines, they would get all real problems and flood the world press with the news. ( Just as they do this unabashedly with their fake news - ed. ) So there are really hardly any side effects...

... In countries with high vaccination rates (Israel, Great Britain), the number of new patients and thus the number of future deaths drops dramatically . Need a more brilliant argument for vaccination? With this, the spread of an epidemic can be defeated. Here is the clear proof!…

... Based on the news, the world's major companies, be they transport, tourism or event organizers, are already boasting that they only allow certain activities with a vaccination certificate. Of course, someone can now say that they don't want to travel by plane or train, they don't want to go on vacation abroad, and they don't want to go to matches. Governments will not intervene in this, certainly not in democracies, but where someone has the right to refuse vaccination, the owner of a restaurant, beach or shop will also have the right to refuse entry to someone who has not been vaccinated. As controversial as it may be, those who are not vaccinated may suffer a disadvantage...

Now we can do something quickly for our health, and if as many people as possible do this, we can have a restful free summer.

I'm talking to you, my Hungarian compatriot has not been vaccinated so far. Let's not meet at the hospital.

Sign up!

Dr. György Temesszentandrasi, head physician of internal medicine department

Head of the COVID department, CÖF-CÖKA medical expert