The state secretary responsible for social affairs of the Ministry of Human Resources announced yesterday that civil organizations that train dogs that help people with disabilities and therapy dogs are eligible for support

Attila Fülöp announced: the amount of the tender published on the website of the National Institute of Social Policy is HUF 45.3 million; you can apply until April 30.

The state secretary indicated that there are more than one million people with disabilities and their relatives in Hungary, so it is important to help make their lives barrier-free.

Sándor Nagy, the president of MVGYOSZ, who participated in the announcement, said, among other things, that 80 people are currently using dogs trained by the association, and there are 74 people on the waiting list who also want to receive a guide dog. He added that the association plans to train 12 guide dogs this year. Sándor Nagy also called it important that the guide dog and its owner be a "good couple".


MTI/Márton Mónus

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