Magyar Posta will remove the domestic telegram and the Posta-Világfax service from its portfolio from Friday.

We can send telegrams for the last time on April 30, after Magyar Posta Zrt. announced that after 174 years, it will remove domestic telegrams and the Posta-Világfax service from its portfolio.

The company told MTI on Tuesday that the demand for telegrams has decreased significantly in the last decade. While 30 years ago business clients and private individuals sent each other around 8 million telegrams, in recent years only tens of thousands of telegrams per year have been typical. In 2020, the number of telegrams sent was 23,000, they wrote.

In the last moments before Friday's exit, Viktor Orbán also used the opportunity to feel nostalgic, so he went to a post office and sent one last telegram.

According to the video posted on the Prime Minister's social media page, the letter ended with "Hugs, son!", which suggests that the telegram was sent to Viktor Orbán's parents.


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