In a thematically comprehensive interview published on, one of the few Slovakian conservative news portals, Viktor Orbán spoke about both timely and long-term topics, including the events of the past decades, the future of the European Union and Central Europe, migration, and vaccine policy. too.   

In response to a question put to him regarding "illiberal country building", the Prime Minister said: "today there is no liberal democracy, only liberal non-democracy, as it has liberalism, but no democracy " . this is what political correctness is for, with the help of which they stigmatize conservatives and Christian Democrats and try to make them impossible."

"I am fighting liberals for freedom. While I am on the side of freedom, they are on the hegemony of opinion," Viktor Orbán pointed out.

The Prime Minister spoke about Fidesz's departure from the European People's Party (EPP) and, in this context, what they want to achieve in European politics in the future.

"We want to change Brussels," said Viktor Orbán in connection with the topic.

He explained: Brussels in its current form is not capable of providing adequate answers to people's problems, which was also proven by migration, but Brussels' response to the 2008 financial crisis was not convincing either.

"We and the EPP (European People's Party ed.) wanted to change Brussels, but they did not undertake to do so. Now we have to create a new political community that can influence Brussels," added the Prime Minister.

Speaking about the differences between the Hungarian and German positions on migration, Viktor Orbán said: the Germans believe that if the native German society begins to abandon Christian values, when it lives together with millions of Muslim migrants, it will mix , and creates a new society. He pointed out: he does not believe in this, as parallel societies will be created , which will live side by side, and big problems can arise from this.

"I don't wish this for my own country," stated Viktor Orbán.

In response to a question regarding the institutions of the European Union (EU), the Prime Minister said: there are elements in the Union that should be strengthened, but the opposite is true in relation to the European Parliament, which plays a distinctly harmful role, because it places European politics on a party basis, and the European the left uses it to attack the sovereignty of states.

In relation to the topic, he clarified: "So the question is not whether the EU is yes or no, but what kind of EU?"

When asked about the possible future of the Union, Viktor Orbán said: it is certain that no European people will be created by 2030 and Hungarians, Slovaks, Germans and French will still live here, there will be nations and states and there will be cooperation. , and its form will be figured out, but it is questionable how

will post-Christian and post-national societies be able to build a stable Western Europe. They probably don't and shouldn't have a chance.

In this context, the Hungarian Prime Minister emphasized that he is much more convinced of the future of Central Europe. "I believe that our children will live better than us. We will experience a great Central European renaissance in the economy, demography, security policy and culture," stated Viktor Orbán.

spoke about the EU's Russia policy, which he described as primitive , since the EU can only say yes or no in this regard. In this regard, he pointed out: "we, on the other hand, need a nuanced policy that understands that Russia is a very powerful state that also respects power."

In response to a question about Hungary's vaccine policy against the coronavirus, the Prime Minister said: already last spring, it was possible to foresee that the demand for vaccines would be greater than the supply, and since relations with Russia and China are good, they inquired in advance whether Hungary could to sell vaccines. He pointed out that the Russian and Chinese vaccines were not automatically allowed to be put on the market, they had to be approved by the Hungarian control authority. Regarding a question, he added: after Slovakia asked for help in testing the Sputnik V vaccine, the Hungarian side will issue this expert opinion.

Source: /(MTI)

Featured photo: MTI/illustration