"In addition to the support of 1.4 million EU citizens, we managed to collect signatures exceeding the specified amount from 11 countries. This means another victory in the race, since the next task will be the verification of the authenticity of the signatures, which will be carried out by the competent authorities of the member countries, and then submitted to the European Commission," reads the statement issued by the prime minister's representative Katalin Szili and the state secretariat responsible for national policy.

"Thanks to the campaign team and its leader, László Pesty, who, in accordance with the motto of the initiators, really mobilized Europe for Székelyföld"

Katalin Szili points out.

The statement reminds us: within a few years, the success of the Minority Safe Pack and the citizens' initiatives of the national regions in collecting signatures has shown that this instrument can be suitable for deepening European democracy, but only if the European Commission takes it and itself seriously. The institution of citizens' initiative itself was born precisely for the reason of bringing the union and its decisions closer to its citizens.

fate of Hungarians living outside its borders, keeping in mind the unity of the unified Hungarian nation ", just as we bear responsibility for each other in everyday life."

- emphasizes the Prime Minister's agent.

Source: magyarnemzet.hu