Municipalities of settlements with less than 5,000 inhabitants and municipal associations can submit their applications in new categories within the framework of the Hungarian Village Program.

Localities that operate village and/or land care services or undertake to start a new service can apply for support in the total amount of HUF 3 billion for the purchase of new vehicles necessary for their activities. In the case of an applicant, the maximum amount that can be awarded is HUF 15 million.

The government also spends HUF 3 billion on the purchase of new communal tools and machines necessary for the proper maintenance of inland public areas, the care of green areas and memorial sites, and the implementation of public cleaning services. The limit amount per application is HUF 15 million. Material support can be requested for the construction and renovation of sidewalks in settlements, in a total amount of HUF 1 billion. An applicant can receive a maximum of HUF 5 million in support.

The government provides 500 million forints for the purchase of medical equipment within the Hungarian Village Program, with 2 million forints per dispensary being the highest grant amount.

Applications can be submitted on the Hungarian Treasury's electronic interface until June 11, 2021. A decision on the range of beneficiaries will be made within 60 days.

In order to mitigate the disadvantages of small rural settlements, stop population decline and improve the quality of life, the Prime Minister's Office has so far this year published fourteen calls for tenders within the framework of the Hungarian Village Program, six of which are open to applicants. The total budget of the program for the third year, together with the village CSOK, the village road fund and the support of small shops, is more than HUF 600 billion.