I don't want him to be prime minister, says Gergely Karácsony in an interview. Telex prepared a compilation , the purpose of which was to strengthen the positions of the mayor.

The characters of the compilation suggested that Gergő has special abilities that he probably doesn't even know about. He is one of the people who has no top ambitions, he doesn't drive a car, he doesn't speak English, but he knows something, for example he is tall, so Fidesz and Viktor Orbán should be afraid of him, who is ambitious, wants to be prime minister, speaks English, but will obviously lose the elections, because he is not tall enough.

András Schiffer did not hesitate: he stated at the beginning that he would not vote for Gergő, although later on he made statements that strengthened the candidate's positions. Bernadett Szél just made a statement in the role of a housewife, in a small home set - no make-up and covering, that's what made her so popular! He has had many tough conflicts with Kárácson in the past 10 years, for example he attributes to Gergő that he split his party, and we don't think that his former party partner is such a sloppy bunny, because he will jump big. Although he didn't even want to enter the parliament at first, he had to be dragged in by force!

Attila Mesterházy portrayed the figure of a pragmatic businessman and proved that no one should be fooled by the gentle exterior, because it hides a harsh interior. Péter Ungár sees a great surfer in Karácsony, who skilfully maneuvers between positions, but in the end he will always be right. Of course, he will be right as many times as he wants, just like Uncle Besenyő Pista. But he's not right now, please, he was already right when he came in (to Gyurcsány). No? But!

Péter Ungár claims that he also invented this opposition coalition and that it came about eight or nine years later. However, the pace can be a bit of a problem here, but don't be malicious, because of this you can still make quick decisions and lead dramatic processes: Colony, flood, virus panic, speculation! Of course, he would smile at this and say: there is no need for dramatic processes here. These are all due to Orbán's combative character.

It was also stated as an advantage that he could not build his party! It has remained at one percent over the years. Sponge it, at least you don't have to deal with it. It is enough if the others build it, and he will be cuckoo enough to lay his eggs in their nest. But this will make him rise above the parties, because he does not want to walk on earth. He will be the great integrator! (Let's pay attention once again: he is tearing his party in two, he can't do anything with his own part, but he will join forces!)

He himself expects that Fidesz will try to assassinate him in the next year, but this will probably not succeed, because that requires some kind of character. Well, he is the lad - he humanises himself, albeit in a slightly thinning voice - who doesn't give the punch but stands!

The Ungár says that Karácsony is preparing for a huge feat, which the previous mayor Tarlós was unable to do: he will renovate the Lánchid! Then! And what did he do for two years? What came of your promises. Well, he painted life-threatening and traffic-causing bike paths that resulted in funny swearing! Since you don't have your own experience of driving a car, you don't even know how big a lane should be. It's not his fault. Pull yourself together, drivers!

My bad news is that Hungarian people don't like rudeness. I don't even want to, but I'll do it for the sake of the others! I want to stand up, say this and do this, yes I want to be prime minister, because I have my own ambitions, abilities and I can do it! Don't let others tell you what skills I have!

Now I feel a bit like browsing through Gyurcsány's book about him. The protagonist's character and intentions have to be read between the lines, just like in the happy Komcs days!