Ferenc Gyurcsány is Hungary's number one soul poisoner. It is thanks to him that family members, friends and acquaintances have turned against each other.

He does it every day. vile and vile politics of the spirit of Béla Kun, Mátyás Rákosi, and János Kádár . Perhaps he did more harm than his predecessors. He hates our Hungarian brothers abroad, but he embraces the members of the barbarian horde flooding Europe. He is a billionaire who got rich from the , and who also became the owner of his home under unfair conditions. But he blames others. "He who lives, so he judges" and "Everyone starts from himself" are the popular wisdoms. This man, or as his party colleague would say: a terrifying formation, creates hatred every day . He plays on the worst side of man! He takes advantage of people who are susceptible to envy and the desire to hate.

He achieved that:

The father of a large family buys his new car with the HUF 2.5 million state subsidy, then writes on Facebook that "Orbán is stealing!"

The family receives the GYED extra, and then they shout "Orbán steals!"

The pensioner receives the first installment of the 13th monthly pension, but convinces his neighbor that "Orbán is stealing!"

For more than ten years, there have been no gas, electricity and district heating price increases twice a year, but "Orbán steals!"

The worker pays 15% personal income tax - not 25-30 or 40%, but "Orbán steals!"

Doctors receive an unprecedented wage increase during the global crisis, but "Orbán steals!"

The National Bank triples Hungary's gold reserves, but "Orbán steals!"

That Bajnai, Dunai, Gráf, Felcsúti, Futó, Kóka, Kupper, Leisztinger, Oszkó, Puch, Simor, Veres are left-wing billionaires is natural, but "Lőrinc Mészáros steals!"

That Lőrinc Mészáros, who provides a living for many families , never cheated on taxes, never harmed a single entrepreneur, never chased anyone to death, and never sold his wealth abroad! But the soul poisoner has achieved that only he is hated. The tragedy is that he managed to poison the souls of people who are otherwise of good faith. I experience it in my own environment too!

How true it is, you can really appreciate your health when you get sick. Many people are like that. He knows he would only be able to appreciate his living conditions if the soul poisoner and his gang came back. He would again experience the austerity, the "dare to be small!" his soul-destroying politics.

“Sehonna scumbag man…. whose life is more expensive than the honor of the country!"

In my opinion, in Hungarian history, he occupies a "prominent" place among the politicians most harmful to our country.

Author: Cs.L.

Cover photo: Tamás Kovács | Source: MTI/MTVA