From time to time - like this time - we receive letters from readers, or the Civil Solidarity Forum, with the content of which we completely agree, the only problem is that we still cannot do anything with them. Here is an example:

"Dear Civil Union Forum!

I would like to draw your attention to two things:

– The EU Parliament should re-negotiate the issue of indigenous European minorities, as they are obliged to deal with the problem of a significant part of the population even without special funding.

- In the spirit of transparency, Ursula von der Leyen should report on the 35 billion dollar vaccine purchase. since each EU citizen receives 78 euros! Maybe it wouldn't have been necessary to pay so much if Ms. Leyen's husband hadn't gotten a job as medical director of a pharmaceutical company in the USA, and maybe Stella Kyriakides wouldn't have gained 4 million euros either."

Yes, dear reader, you are absolutely right. If the European Commission were to operate honestly and with the interests of European citizens in mind (the Parliament cannot be blamed in this case, they voted to put this matter on the agenda of the Commission), then they would really have to make a decision to protect native European minorities. But they don't bring it, saying it's the internal affairs of every state. Even though more than 1 million signatures were collected in support of the Minority Safe Pack, no! In addition, the ultra-liberal European Court of Justice confirmed the decision of the European Court of Justice, claiming that all necessary steps had already been taken to protect European minorities. Which is, of course, a blatant lie, just disguised in legal garb. By the way, it is hardly noticeable that the European Court of Justice does not deal with matters that fall within its jurisdiction, but with great diligence (legislation, education, child protection, etc.) with which it has nothing to do in the world.

Yes, our dear reader, you are also absolutely right that Ursula von der Leyen should be held accountable in the Pfizer scam and yes, Stella Kyriakides should be caught, explain if you know where the 4 million got into her account and why in return . But Stella's case somehow went to sleep in a beautiful silence, without echo (and consequences) into nothingness. Ursula's case is being investigated, but what can be done if you can't find the illegally concluded agreements in the text messages? Not to mention the latest corruption scandal, which was not even mentioned by our reader, which is still ongoing, but it would be a miracle if it had serious consequences in the end.

So, yes, our reader would rightly expect substantial changes to take place in the listed cases, but knowing the actions of EU luminaries, our cynical comment seems justified: he can expect that. We are sorry to say this, but there is nothing else we can say. And our agreement, the CÖF's, or indeed our portal's wishes are in vain, if even the signatures of 1 million citizens are cheerfully swept off the table.

The CÖF sought and continues to seek the European Commission on many issues, asking for an explanation or justification for each of their decisions, the answers received (because they usually answer) can be classified as the "Dodona text". Or if it's more understandable: don't worry, take it well.

Of course, we don't give up, we try again and again. Just in case a miracle happens.

(In cover image: European Commission. Photo: