Poetry tickets musical and literary evening at the House of Hungarian Music


On May 2, a unique musical and literary evening will be held at the House of Hungarian Music. In the production entitled Versjígeta, they open up new horizons for the audience with acoustic musical accompaniment.

The production, entitled Versjígeta, is for Izabella Caussanel, the singer of the Phonogram-award-winning Vötödik Évszak band, and the Junior Prima-award-winning bandleader, jr. It represents a unique musical and literary evening by Sándor Csoóri.

The program includes selected works of French and Hungarian poetry, as well as folk poetry, which open up new horizons for the audience with acoustic musical accompaniment.

Dialogues in verse, music, song.

The artists also appear regularly in Dankó Rádió's folk music programs.

Source: hirado.hu

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