György Soros recently handed over control of his foundations to his son Alexander. This is a good opportunity to examine the background of the father's career and one of its more important details. I'll start with an actual fact: Papa Soros - even before the transfer of power - recently wrote an article in his own newspaper, Project Syndicate, where he believed in the continuation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, expressed his hope that the Ukrainians could win against the Russians, and then the whole Russian empire may fall apart.

This would be the real goal of Soros, he believes in this, and that is why he describes such nonsense that the end result of the year-long war is much better than they expected, and according to him, the Russian army is nothing more than a paper tiger. (Well, yes, the French and the Germans could tell a lot about this.) According to Soros, the counterattack will be successful because modern Western weapons will arrive, and then that's all for the Russians. The goal is the Crimean peninsula, and if it is there, then victory is certain.

It's a shame that old scoundrels with such crazy and baseless ideas rule this world. It's a shame, because everything doesn't matter to them anymore, they believe that they will survive a nuclear war in their super-secure bunkers.

There are several winners of this war - the military lobby, global energy companies, the American economy - but those who are most behind the continuation of the war are the Soros big boys and the members of the global elite, led by their flagship, the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab. With Forum (WEF). Let's quickly note here that Papa Soros is also a member of the WEF management team - in addition to his functions and membership in many other globalist organizations.

Because what does the WEF want? A neo-communist world society in which the giant companies take over the leadership from the nation-states, which will disintegrate and the world will become unipolar again, of course under their control. World governance is the goal that solves problems, and people will have nothing, but they will be happy - as we know from the WEF advertisement.

In fact, global circles support the Russian-Ukrainian war with all their might along the lines of an ideological goal. In fact, they know exactly that Russia, as the great power and nation-state it once was, resists the world-saving efforts of the Great Reset, the phantasmagoria of the beautiful new world. Russia is on the way, of course partly China too, but the first task is to destroy Russia.

At the time, Klaus Schwab was embraced by Henry Kissinger, with his help he was able to build his WEF empire, but now I don't want to talk about him, but about Soros. Soros is also an executor, not a manager: he is a member of the Rothschild banking family, he does and can do what the Rothschilds allow him to do, and even more so what they entrust him with.

I want to state the hard facts.

Soros' relationship with the Rothschilds goes back to the 1960s, even before the founding of Quantum Fund NV, whose headquarters, by the way - not by chance! - Located in Curacao. In the 1960s, György Soros and his partner Jim Rogers worked for the financial company Arnold & S. Bleichroeder Inc. and the Bleichroeder Fund, which operated in parallel with the Rothschilds. Soros left Bleichroeder in 1969, but by then the relationship between him and the world's richest banking family had already become close.

Soros founded his company, the Quantum Fund, in 1973 with his partner, the aforementioned Jim Rogers, but now comes the point, the decisive moment: the Rothschild family immediately put six million dollars into the fund, as a kind of benevolent help. (This may remind us – mutatis mutandis – of the small loan of Gyurcsány's mother-in-law, Apró Piroská, which Magyar Hitelbank gave to Gyurcsány's company for the practically free purchase of the alumina factories.)

This is the point, this is the starting point: from here on, Soros owes everything to the Rothschild family, without them he would never have become what he is today. However, as they say: there is no such thing as a free lunch, even as an old man, Soros is not completely his own master. Perhaps it became obvious from the above that Soros owes his huge wealth not only to his own skill, but to the countless insider information that the most powerful in global circles also possess.

Few people know that the year 1992 in Soros' life is not only interesting because of the successful collapse of the British pound. This was the year when he also launched an attack against the Italian lira, but the German mark was also among the targets (the latter without success). The mainstream media did not write much about him when in 2005 the French Court of Appeal fined him $2.2 million for the illegal acquisition of 95,000 Société Générale shares. After learning of the planned acquisition of Société Générale, Soros started buying bank shares and then selling them. (Soros has not set foot on French soil since then.) But he only partially succeeded in undermining the European monetary system, because the euro was introduced in 2000. It is said that Soros was also responsible for building a network of European drug distribution companies - this is also interesting information in light of vaccines against Covid.

While we have little reliable data on the latter, this much can be established for sure: if György Soros is of the opinion that the Russian-Ukrainian war is good, important and should continue, let the blood of people continue to flow and more people, thousands and hundreds of thousands, die in the war, soldiers and civilians, then this is also the opinion of the global circles behind it. In fact, they rather expect Soros not to stop halfway with his influence within, for example, the European Union, and to convince the Brussels elite, who have been controlled by his network for a long time, that this completely senseless and murderous war must be continued.

Let's also not forget that recently at the WEF forum, he twice presented his thesis that war is good, peace is bad, Russia should be wiped off the face of the earth, and from this point of view, human sacrifices for him - just like Stalin once did - are just statistical data . It is shocking, but even the centenarian Kissinger spoke at the WEF recently about the fact that Russia's demands for survival should be taken into account. Soros surpasses Kissinger, even though the latter cannot be considered an angel on earth either, not forgetting what he did in Chile and with Chile - for example.

And the future is also clear: Soros' son, Alexander, is preparing.

All of what I described earlier is disappointing because it is possible that some nation-states or even the Republicans and even some Democrats of the United States are starting to tire of the continuation of the war, because they see, feel, and know that the people, the citizens, are only they suffer, and they feel in danger of preserving their power, for example, in the next elections. This may make political leaders, prime ministers and presidents all over the world, perhaps even in Europe, reconsider - except, of course, the completely mindless and controlled elite in Brussels, led by Ursula von der Leyen, who - not coincidentally - is also a member of the WEF board of trustees, and speaks highly of Klaus Schwab's plans.

And the situation is nevertheless disappointing, because we can see it - if we want to see it, of course! – that in the background, behind the Soros wall-breaking rams, there are the real big boys, who really believe that the world is in their hands, and what they think and decide must happen in it.

Source: Hungarian Nation

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