Master chef Péter Buday presents this time with a recipe for chicken breast with chickpeas and, of course, shows in his video how to prepare the summer delicacy.

Chickpea stew with chicken breast salad 

I cook the chickpeas, with onions and garlic, in water without salt. I filter it and puree 1/4 of it, mix it with a little yogurt. Season with salt, ground pepper, a little red pepper and fresh lemon juice.

I salt the salted chicken breast, pre-fry it, together with red onion cut into many pieces.

I fry the kápia pepper in rings.

I cut the kale into finger-sized strips and fry them.

Cut the carrots lengthwise into strips and fry them.

I caramelize the grated kohlrabi by frying it.

I mix and add the chickpeas left whole. A layer of vegetables with chickpeas, a layer of chicken legs with onions, grated cheese, then again the vegetables with the chickpea cream, and again grated cheese on top.

I bake it in the oven. 30 minutes at 190 degrees C

When serving, a large pile of green salad leaves is placed on top.


1000 g chicken breast fillet, 800 g chickpeas, 400 g red onion. 300 g capsicum pepper. 600 g carrots, 300 g kohlrabi, 400 g kale, 200 g yogurt, 20 g salt, 5 g ground pepper, 10 g paprika. 200 g yogurt, 250 g lemon juice, 200 g grated Trappist cheese.