Romanian ultra-nationalist organizations, including Calea Neamului, who organized the operation to break into the Úzvölgy military cemetery, plan to celebrate the anniversary of the Trianon Peace Treaty in Sepsiszentgyörgy this year as well.
Mihai Tarnaveanul, the president of the organization, called on social media for as many sympathizers as possible to visit the Székelyföld county center on June 4. The far-right activist justifies that they want to celebrate in Sepsiszentgyörgy, and not in a city with a Romanian majority, because "in Kovászna County there are several organizations and politicians who regularly question the territorial unity of Romania, the Trianon Peace Treaty, and demand territorial autonomy".
The president reminds him that they celebrated here in previous years as well, although last year, due to the epidemic, only a hundred participants were allowed by the "not very friendly" mayor's office. He promises a memorable celebration for this year, and they also want to stretch two giant molinos, one showing the crossing of the Carpathians by the Romanian army in 1916, and the other the 1918 Gyulafehérvár National Assembly.
Source and image: Itthon, ma