Since Juncker, we have known that the European Commission operates as a political committee. And we also learned that if you don't succeed in getting your will across in the first round, you resort to hundreds of tricks.

This also happened with the migration package: the positions have not changed, yet the commission's proposal focuses on distribution, despite the member states' protests. Today's maiden name: expulsion sponsorship. Whatever you call it, a quota is still a quota.

That is why we have learned to be constantly alert. Brussels often plays with exhaustion, putting us to sleep, so that we cannot see the forest for the trees. However, it is clear: while Brussels and the European Parliament see migration as an opportunity; as human resources, with which it wants to deal with the demographic and labor market challenges of an aging and increasingly weak continent, while Hungary, with the support of the overwhelming majority of Hungarian people behind it, sees immigration as a threat that threatens Europe's existence, security and the survival of its Christian culture.

That's why we've been saying since the beginning that immigration should not be managed, ad absurdum promoted, but simply stopped. And the help must be taken to where it is needed. For this, Hungary operates an exemplary international aid program. No one dreams of leaving their homeland as a child. This is how we help them stay in place, supporting prosperity in their birthplace. Although it has received less attention due to the pandemic, the migratory pressure on Europe shows an increasing trend again, especially along the Central Mediterranean and Western Balkan routes.

That is why, at the initiative of Italy and Spain, migration is also on the agenda of the next EU summit. We also think that the topic should be discussed, since it is not a Mediterranean problem, but a European problem, which, for example, directly affects our country due to the Western Balkan route. Our position is solid, we have our allies.

We stand for the protection of the external borders and reject the mandatory distribution mechanism. Instead of the fruitless imposition of quotas, political energy should be invested in increasing cooperation with international partners aimed at stopping migration and making readmission agreements more effective.

We have long believed that solidarity has several forms, so the migration package must also include this. Solidarity and security cannot be separated from each other. So the Hungarian government will be on alert.

In any case, Brussels is trying to break the unity, the unity of the member states that reject immigration and reject quotas. The Hungarian government will always stand up for the protection of the Hungarian people, the Hungarian homeland and European borders.

Source: Facebook