In its announcement, the Association of Family Studies welcomes the XXXI of 1997 on the protection of children. amendment of the law.

The unanimous opinion of experts is that pornography has a destructive effect on the psychological development of children under the age of 18. The teachers' experience is that porn use appears already among boys of primary school age. Through the objectification of the female body, the child is not aware that sexuality is meant to strengthen the life-long and life-giving union of love between two people. Pornography carries with it the devaluation of the female sex, worsens the relationship between the sexes and makes it difficult to establish and maintain a stable family life based on trust and loyalty.

Extreme gender ideology and "sensitization"
enter schools under the false guise of equal opportunities and protection against discrimination.
People of non-heterosexual orientation should not be used as a tool to destroy the institution of marriage and the family, but should be helped and protected.

Instead of the so-called comprehensive sex education program advocated by the EU Commission for Women's Rights and Equality, which has been proven to be harmful based on scientific surveys, the Family Studies Association recommends the intensive introduction of a family life education program and subject in public education that is in line with the Basic Law of Hungary, scientific results and Christian values. Our association offers its cooperation in formulating the relevant core values.


Featured image: Pink News / The Swedish government supports "drag queen storytimes" for children with 175,000 Swedish crowns, i.e. more than fifty million forints.