The Magyar Autóklub, as the interest representative organization of the motoring society, addressed an open letter to Mayor Gergely Karácsony due to its previous initiatives that proved to be ineffective.

"The capital city should alleviate, not aggravate, the traffic crisis in Budapest!

In our opinion, the resulting traffic chaos is clearly the result of professionally flawed traffic management decisions. A city suffering from traffic agony is unlivable and does not serve the development of tourism. The Magyar Autóklub proposes immediate crisis management measures, according to which closures and traffic restrictions are carried out in an organized and planned manner, and the so-called experimental bicycle lanes for motorists, designate temporary P+R parking lots adapted to the "end points" of public transport.

The Hungarian Automobile Club repeatedly makes strategic proposals to prevent new traffic crises.
Thus, he calls for the construction of the western sector of the M0, the modernization of key junctions, the planned construction of appropriate pedestrian, bicycle and car infrastructure, and the increased use of the Danube.

The Magyar Autóklub repeatedly calls on the leadership of the capital to review the state of traffic on the capital's road network and eliminate unjustified traffic restrictions."

The full text of the open letter is available on the website of the Hungarian Automobile Club and on the Autosélet blog.

Featured image: Sándor Csudai – Origo