Gyula Fábián is nominated for the position of the people's lawyer by the government coalition. The Cluj-Napoca lawyer is a lecturer at the law faculty of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Sapientia Transylvanian Hungarian University. He has decades of experience as a prosecutor and is the co-author of a study volume on minority rights.

According to the Romanian Prime Minister, impartiality is important for the performance of the office of ombudsman, and the coalition plans to nominate a politically independent person for the position. According to the parliamentary faction leader of the RMDSZ, Gyula Fábián is the most suitable for the task, whom the politician mentions as a professional with an "impeccable CV".

According to Fábián, it would place a special burden on him if he were the first to hold this office. "It's a big challenge, you can be kicked out if you make a mistake in the way you express yourself. I am aware that they can pick up on things that I have written over the years. They will try to catch me, but I am prepared to answer anything. I have already finished one of my careers, I am no longer a prosecutor, I remain a university lecturer, the office of the people's lawyer is compatible with this".

By the way, Fábián has been subjected to various attacks due to his minority status, but despite all this, he does not want to back down from dealing with minority rights issues. What's more, as ombudsman, he will treat them with special attention.

 "I will not distance myself from minorities and the protection of minority rights, which is part of basic human rights. It can be guaranteed that I will pay more attention in this area than perhaps the previous ombudsmen, who were in the majority," he stated.

The ombudsman is appointed by the parliament. If the newspaper reports are confirmed, there is no obstacle to the fact that, for the first time in Romania's history, a Hungarian will become the people's lawyer from Wednesday.

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