You know the story about the emperor's (king) new clothes, when the ruler thinks that he is walking around in wonderfully fine, incomparably beautiful clothes, but in fact he is as naked as we were born. His people rightly laugh at the new "clothes" and their king. The domestic left is now presenting us with a fairy tale in which not only the king, but his entire court, from the chief treasurer to the fool in the rattle hat, stand before us as the Good Lord created them: naked.

The left's story is about democracy, freedom, and the rule of law, which they will of course realize if they finally remove the evil tyrant from the country's leadership. The very first step towards this great democracy without adjectives, the promised land: the primary election. This magical phrase says that they are already so very democratic that even the people, especially their voters, can decide who will run as a candidate for this dazzling company in the parliamentary elections in 2022. It's a really fantastic idea, it's a shame that the whole thing is a sham, a lie, blinding the peasants.

We have been saying from the beginning that this whole pre-election campaign is about something completely different than what they are saying, besides mobilizing and inflaming their own camp, this is also a good opportunity for a bit of illegal data collection. Now, if Gyurcsány's lovely left-wing people hadn't noticed, the veil has finally fallen: there is no question of any kind of democratic process, no choice. The Gyurcsánys will say who will be able to run where, who can sit in which faction, if they enter the parliament, and they will even dictate when they can breathe. Little party leaders decide over the heads of their own party members, make dirty little deals and pacts behind the backs of their members: oh, but this is typical of the domestic left!

You know, there is a saying that soccer is a game played by 22 players for ninety minutes, and in the end the Germans always win. This is particularly relevant today, I hope the Hungarian team will also prove that Gary Lineker's words have long been untrue. Translated into the left-wing primaries, it all sounds like this: this primaries is a game played by six parties for months, and in the end the Gyurcsánys always win. Think about how things are handled on the left: Gyula Molnár, the former president of the MSZP, was practically sold by the socialist party leadership to the Gyurcsánys without even knowing about it, like a slave who now has to obey the new master. It is only part of the farce that they want to expel him from his party for all this. These aren't just villains, they're complete idiots. Gyurcsány's useful fools.

I don't know if there will be a primary election for this mad company in the fall, when it will be due, if there will be a single district left that hasn't been sold out by one or another party leader in this big collapsing coalition. But I know for sure that all the signs point to this, from the tragicomic pre-election charade to the plans they don't even hide - how they will disregard the constitution and the laws if they come to power - all their movements prove: woe to this country, if the a group of evildoers and clowns could take over the rudder of Hungary. Zsolt Gréczy would hold him, Péter Jakab would pull him, Gergely Karácsony would push him, Ferenc Gyurcsány would sit on the goat with Grandma Klára Dobrev by his side cracking a whip, looking out over the smoking ruins of a once hopeful country with a giddy grin.
No! No! Never!

The article was published in Magyar Nemzet