An allegedly deranged Somali migrant, apparently motivated by the teachings of the Islamic State, stabbed three women in the throat with a freshly bought kitchen knife and wounded six others outside a department store in Würzburg on Friday. German politicians and the authorities are trying awkwardly to avoid saying that the cruel crime was committed by a migrant. Why is that? Why is political correctness more important than calling reality? - asks the daily newspaper Bild.

Although the case caused great sadness, sympathy and outrage throughout Germany, the examples of the past show that there will hardly be any consequences for the horrible act, reports Bild. Some politicians believed that they already knew the day after the stabbing in Würzburg, a few hours after the investigation began, that the 24-year-old perpetrator from Somalia was in a "disturbed state of mind", i.e. he could not be counted. In essence, they already held a protective umbrella over his head.

Police statistics show that Germans have a huge problem with judging violent foreigners, even talking about migrant crime at all

– states Bild's article on Monday.

"We know that migrants appear in crime statistics much more often than their proportion in the population would justify," said Mathias Middelberg, a homeland security expert interviewed by the paper.

And what follows from this? asks Bild. The big, politically correct wiretapping that routine investigators consider a huge mistake.

According to the statistics of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, 168,237 violent crimes took place in Germany last year, 38 percent of which were committed by "non-Germans" (or, according to the German official wording, "foreigners"). 13 percent of the latter were proven immigrants. Of the 2,672 homicides reported in 2020, 41 percent were committed by "foreigners", 16 percent of whom had a migrant background. 37 percent of the perpetrators of crimes in the category of sexual violence were foreigners, and 14 percent were proven immigrants.

"There is a lack of honest fact-finding," Tübingen's Green Party mayor Boris Palmer tells Bild. In such cases , "two worldviews collide": in the case of the February 2000 attack in Hanau, which resulted in nine deaths - committed by German far-rights - " the right-wingers saw only a person with a disturbed state of mind, while the left-wingers saw an entire system" behind the horrifying act. In the case of crimes committed by migrants, this is exactly the opposite, the mayor states.

Germany "lacks the courage to name and analyze the problems of violence committed by non-Germans and the integration of certain Muslim immigrant groups"

Islamic expert Ahmad Mansour said in the article.

Migrant crime in Germany

Migrant crime in Germany 2020. ( graphic)

Mansour also considers the so-called double racism to be a problem

In addition to the right-wing radicals ("All Muslims fall under one hat"), there are also the extreme leftists, whose behavior Mansour calls the "hide-and-seek phenomenon". " Those who believe that migrants and Muslims need protection in Germany do not treat them as an equal part of society, " says the researcher.

"The crime rate among immigrants with a strong masculinity, low education, and juveniles is completely different than among highly educated professionals in Europe or the United States," says Thorsten Frei, deputy chairman of the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) group.

"We would be much ahead if all the political forces in Germany took off the romantic glasses with which they look at society," adds the CDU politician.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said in a video interview with Bild on Sunday that the attack in Würzburg could have been motivated by Islamists. "There is evidence that we are dealing with an act of Islamist terrorism, but of course all this has to be handled carefully," Herrmann said.

In Germany, therefore, political correctness - according to the signs - still often overrides reality.


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