With the government's support of 2.3 billion forints, the roads in Csepel can be renovated, because the capital did not give money for this - said Szilárd Németh, the chairman of the Fidesz constituency in Csepel and member of parliament, secretary of state for national defense, on Tuesday in Csepel.

Mayor Gergely Karácsony abused the authority he received in the emergency situation, without professional consultation, as a loose cannon, and for political reasons only took the money planned for road renovation in the capital budget from six non-left districts, including Csepel, he said.

Gergely Karácsony, who considers himself "everyone's mayor", has already lied to the people of Csepel several times, for example, the European Union application for the ridge road there failed for the third time, "instead, a bee colony and an insect hotel" were created along the road, said Szilárd Németh.


Szilárd Németh csepelinfo.hu

The mayor also makes the lives of Csepel residents miserable with "endless traffic jams" because he did not consult with anyone about the road closures, he said.

Source: MTI

Featured image: 21.kerulet.ittlakunk.hu