The European Commission also finances the LGBTQ portal for Hungarian high school students

They would tell us how to raise our children from Brussels.

At the same time as the anti-pedophile law came into force, the Hungarian LGBTQI Association activated the website, with which it intends to appeal to young Hungarians. In their announcement, they write, " specifically targets the high school age group, it focuses on the issues that concern this age group the most."

In itself, it would be unnecessary to advertise for free for a homosexual portal - but on the one hand, we cannot allow LGBTQ activists to brainwash Hungarian youth, and on the other hand, the European Commission appears among the site's financiers.

"This website is 'We are here! Increasing the social acceptance of LGBTQI people in Hungary through community reinforcement and attitude formation' c. part of the project, which is implemented with the support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program (2014-2020) of the European Union. The authors are solely responsible for the content, and it does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Commission," reads the bottom of the website.


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