The first applicant for the uniform Székely-Hungarian runic place name signs was Celldömölk in Vas county, where the signs placed next to the access roads were inaugurated on January 7, 2011 in a ceremonial setting. The second settlement in order was Rákóczifalva in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, where the signs were erected earlier, on September 3, 2010.

It has been 11 years since then, and more than a thousand road signs made in a uniform form in 300 settlements in various parts of the Carpathian Basin indicate the unity and unity of the nation, as well as popularize our ancient script, the Székely-Hungarian script. All of this was organized by the non-profit Rovás Foundation, but at the will of the local communities - as a real civil initiative - with the support of citizens, associations, friendly societies, companies and local governments, from here and beyond. ‮

On the 101st anniversary of the signing of the Trianon Peace Decree, the city management and representatives of the Rovás Foundation inaugurated the place name plaques made with the Székely-Hungarian script in a ceremonial setting. The 300th location in the Carpathian Basin is Dombóvár, where the signs made in a uniform format were put up - the initiator of the sign placement was the Dombóvár Trianon Memorial Committee last year.

In his short speech, the president of the Rovás Foundation, László Sípos, emphasized: "In addition to the expression of national belonging, the strengthening of identity, and the preservation of language and traditions, the establishment of the Rovás place name board is also hopefully a reference point for the long-desired Hungarian spiritual renewal for those who live here and those who come here . Therefore, the Rovás Foundation trusts that whoever looks up at the signs will not only be proud of the past of our national writing, but will soon learn and use the runic signs themselves."
