The National Youth Choir is going on tour again, giving free concerts from July 23 to 29: it will present its new program in Tihany, Debrecen, Békéscsaba, Kecskemét and Budapest.

The aim of the National Youth Choir is to present the 20-21st century at a standard worthy of the national emblem, in the spirit of the unity of the Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin. the best of Hungarian choral literature of the 20th century, the results of high-level musical education marked by the name of Zoltán Kodály

As they write, the singers who successfully apply for the band participate in intensive preparation and then go on tour to present their new show. The concerts will take place on July 23rd this year at the Tihany Benedictine Abbey, on the 25th at the St. Anne's Cathedral and Main Parish in Debrecen, and on the 26th at the Evangelical Church in Békéscsaba . On July 28, the choir will perform in the Piarist church in Kecskemét as part of the Kodály Art Festival. In Budapest, on July 29, the audience can meet the special formation in Pesti Vigado.

Péter Erdei and László László Norbert Nemes, Sándor Szokolay , Zoltán Kodály , György Orbán , Máté Bella , Gyula Fekete , Péter Tóth , János Vajda and Levente Gyöngyösi among others on the program of the concerts.


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