At least this is what the incessant domestic and international cannonading around the amendment of the Child Protection Act suggests. However, the legal intervention was not an action, it was only a reaction.

And how did the Hungarian government react? For the activities of the rainbow-hued lobby, from which some benefit politically and others materially in the heat of the moment, and from which a marginal minority hopes for legal access to children's bodies, while abundantly painting enticing glitter ponies on the rainbow door of the meat market. Because the camp must be expanded, that way the voice will be (even) stronger, and that way the aggression can be tamed to the majority's demand. In the long run, however, this can only mean a fall, an evolutionary impasse, the irreversible physical and mental bankruptcy of future generations, and then complete self-liquidation.

But perhaps even the spreaders of the "psychic epidemic" (by Jung), those who never attack openly and face to face, did not count on the immune response of the Hungarian national body. However, their howling protest - and this is really ironic - is becoming counterproductive as it receives more and more annoyed attention from those who until now did not care about their cause. And let's face it, the majority of our society is like that - it doesn't deal with other people's bedroom secrets and sexual desires, especially the private lives of homosexuals and other minorities, since sexual anomalies are not public affairs, they have no role in maintaining our existence. At least we didn't care about it until now. We included Budapest Pride, then Pride Month, the appropriation of the biblical rainbow, advertisements produced to "sensitize" - in our opinion, rather to popularize deviance - films and series from streaming providers, i.e. the LGBT bombarded on us in 0-24 -propaganda. We listened and put up with it, and yes, maybe even buried our heads in the sand when we hoped that what was happening in the West would never reach here. We were wrong. The rainbow lobby knows no borders - except for the borders of Muslim countries - but it crossed the red line by addressing our children.

In order to understand the real dangers of their activities, we have to look at the changes that have taken place in countries where society, including the "sensitization" of children in kindergartens and schools, has been going on for decades. Before that, however, we would like to take a look at two domestic publications - without claiming to be complete. The Hungarian LGBT Association created a 31-page brochure for journalists entitled Instead of Question Marks Because the journalist can't do it by himself, right... As we know, language frames our world of thoughts and feelings, if you like, everything starts there; can we communicate our thoughts and feelings in a way that corresponds to reality?

The first chapter of the publication details what we should understand by transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, intersex, cissexism and other specialties, but above all, it explains that the "gender determined at birth is an increasingly accepted term, as it emphasizes that the biological classification is also questionable". (Puff! – the ed. ) Then he also instructs on how to interview a transgender person or how to deal with pejorative terms, and finally he lists desirable and undesirable designations over five pages.

Source: Hungarian LGBT Association

Source: Hungarian LGBT Association

For transgender people, use the name and gender identity they have - it's their 'real' name and gender (before you ask), not what they were assigned at birth! (Puff! - ed. ) An LGBTQI person can reclaim words like "gay" because he uses them for himself of his own free will. If you do this, respect it and do not change the text! However, it is not right for a journalist to use this word, unless he is an LGBTQI person and uses it for himself or someone who is LGBTQI and refers to himself as such (e.g. Buzi Újhullám group).

Do we feel the free flight of our thoughts locked in the rainbow prison? The most remarkable feature of the carefully crafted set of letters is that as much as it explores the sensitivities of LGBT people in detail, it ignores those of non-LGBT people, i.e. mainstream society. The question is poetic and incidental, but I ask it: have you considered that violent sensitization is an oxymoron?

The other publication that we should mention is the lesson plans for teachers created for the booklet "Fairytale Land for Everyone . The 41-page text offers various exercises and role-plays for each of the 17 tales, and at the beginning of the chapters it also states the goals, such as accepting the exchange and expansion of general gender roles; non-prejudiced thinking; tolerance towards otherness; education to stand up and act for the freedom of others; respect for human dignity; strengthening gender equality and so on. For lower graders! How well a 7-10-year-old child can correctly interpret - or interpret at all - the concepts of gender role, freedom or prejudice is up to everyone to decide for themselves. And then let's take a look at some activity plans to see exactly what tasks are recommended for elementary school students!

Reverse world / What if the story had turned out the other way around: the hero of the story is a heroic man who wants to change into a woman. What would he do after being transformed by Poseidon (wouldn't he be a soldier, but...)? How would the others have received him? You can play with the idea: girls become boys and vice versa.

How would it have been? / The facilitator (director of the session) offers the opportunity for the children to give a different ending to the story. For example , if we have a buck and he is about to leave his antlers to become a suta...

Talkshow / Questions to ask the girl, for example: Why do you wear boy's clothes? Why don't you want to marry anyone? To the dragon: Why did you hook up with the princess? Why did you help him escape from his parents ?

Opinion Corners / If you were Zsófi or Bence, would you have rebelled / expressed your disagreement or opposition to your parents? As a parent, would you have accepted that your child would leave you because you disagree? Can a child say what he thinks about something? a child have to do everything as parents say? (We do not mean here that children should be encouraged to go against their parents' will.)

No? So what? What were the dear civil authors - who are members of the Network of Human Rights Educators - thinking when they asked a question to be decided?

Bálint Botond writes about gender ideology in his article The sexualization of children is a mental disorder

The entire gender ideology itself is based on false presuppositions, itself false conclusions, and polytheologized psychiatric symptoms. What else would redefining human sexuality, severing it from biological foundations and rationality be, than the complete eradication of man as a heterosexually reproducing living being? We, conservatives, political rightists, heterosexuals, existing in traditional culture, misunderstand what we are dealing with. You cannot adapt to a mental illness, you cannot compromise with a mental illness. You can't talk to a mentally ill person. A lunatic has no logic.

And then we look at the consequences of sensitization in kindergartens and schools in countries where the lobby has taken over power for decades with the support of politics, the media (especially social media), the film and fairy-tale industry, and chess experts. a 2015 YouGov survey, 49 percent of British youth aged 18-24 do not consider themselves heterosexual. Half of an entire generation! After the acceptance of gay marriage in the United States was made mandatory by the Supreme Court in 2015, transgenderism became the new front line in the culture war. Because the revolution never rests! Throughout the Western world, the trend that views parents as backward, bigoted and narrow-minded enemies is becoming stronger, so the practice is spreading like wildfire, according to which the school does not inform the parents if the child has an abortion because of the "lack of a supportive home environment". prepares to announce that he is homosexual or transgender. And these are not isolated phenomena, but growing trends.

Lisa Marchiano, a colleague of the Philadelphia Jung Institute, deals in detail with the causes and consequences of the phenomenon in her study " Transgender Teenagers and Psychic Epidemics" In recent years, the number of children and teenagers who declare themselves to be transgender without previously showing signs of gender dysphoria – discomfort with the biological sex, and in children a desire for the opposite sex – has risen alarmingly, fourfold, fivefold. But there has also been a dramatic increase in the number of women using the services of gender clinics in Canada, the United States, Finland, England and the Netherlands. Marchiano clearly attributes this to the influence of social media and children on each other, but he also quotes comments from parents:

My daughter made friends with some trans kids from the theater circle. If you look at this group, its members claim to be different every year. There are children who are only "supporters" when they join, bisexual the following year, gay after that, and trans in the final year. And they are applauded at every stop along the way, receiving only positive support from themselves, each other, the group, the adults, and the audience they address (I call this the "echo chamber"). But something stinks here. Why are there so many kids who, the more they hang out (on the internet), suddenly become trans?

The first clinic for transgender youth opened in Boston in 2007, followed by 40 others in the United States alone, and their number is steadily increasing. At the same time, the Canadian government closed Kenneth Zucker's gender clinic, because he did not agree with the surgery on children. In New York, you can be fined a quarter of a million dollars if you knowingly address someone not in accordance with your (new) identity, and in California, healthcare workers can be sent to prison if they do not address you correctly. Until May 2017, eight member states of the USA banned conversion therapy for minors, i.e., if gender dysphoria is discovered, it is forbidden to use therapy that would strengthen a harmonious identity with the biological sex, or in Hungarian, lead him back to a healthy path, even for small children. Therefore, children are often given hormone therapy on notice, after a conversation or two, and professionals can only confirm them, otherwise they have to face being disabled.

Gender reassignment surgery - which the lobby says should be called "gender confirmation surgery" - and hormone therapy are preceded by social "transitions" that involve changing hairstyles, make-up, names, pronouns and dress. "Accessories" are commercially available for five-year-olds, and adolescents have aids with which, for example, girls can squeeze their breasts or create the illusion of the existence of a male genital organ. (I would like to note that the practice of chest impaling is still practiced in some African countries, although for a different purpose and in a different way than in the developed West, but ultimately the victim's body is treated the same.)

In a significant proportion of cases, the social transition is a direct path to the medical transition. Of course, the anointed priests of the rainbow lobby do not like to talk about the fact that the puberty blockers and the subsequent sex hormones given to children cause lifelong sterility, so the subjects can definitively renounce their biological children, and the parents their grandchildren. In addition, they have no idea - even the most famous pediatricians admit - what long-term effects the use of this type of medicine for decades can have on young people. As a result of hormone treatments, in the case of girls, the voice deepens, the clitoris enlarges, body and facial hair grows stronger, menstruation ceases, breast tissues wither, etc. In the case of boys, this naturally happens the other way around, the breasts grow, the size of the testicles decreases, the proportion of body fat increases at the expense of muscle, etc. Some of the changes are irreversible, and we're only talking about hormones!

Girls who take testosterone face an increased risk of diabetes, endometrial cancer, liver damage, breast cancer, heart attack and stroke, but there may be other adverse effects that we don't know about because long-term use of testosterone in women is a relatively new a phenomenon that has not been studied in depth.

The high tendency to commit suicide among transsexual people is well known, according to a 2014 research, it affects 41 percent of them, but this rate does not show improvement even after gender change. Chris Hyde, a professor at the University of Birmingham, says there is "a lot of uncertainty about whether gender reassignment is a good or a bad thing". Research by the University and University Hospital of Bern, which assessed the condition of the patients 15 years after the operation, concluded that the satisfaction of those involved is low and their general well-being is poor.

Discussing the details of such an intervention would stretch the scope of this paper, let's content ourselves with the statement of Robert P. George, one of the most important legal philosophers of our time, according to

changing gender is a metaphysical impossibility, precisely because it is also a biological impossibility.

But it is also important to quote the philosopher Christopher Tollefsen, who says that

you cannot create a vagina by creating an opening in a specific location. If the whole body lacks a connection with the biological function of the vagina, then that opening is not a vagina. Likewise, a penis cannot be created simply by creating something similar. A vagina or penis could only be created if we also created the entire biological environment in which these organs were embedded.

So, to put it simply, if someone wants to look like the opposite sex by wearing an artificial penis/breast, it is just the same imitation as when they operate on new "organs" on their body, and the difference between the two can only be measured in the surgeon's commitment. Max Robinson, a transgender blogger who later changed his mind, said in 2016:

I started 'switching' at 16, took testosterone and had a double mastectomy by 17. Now I'm 20 years old and I feel like a lesbian again. I went through menopause early in my 'transition', which resulted in years of vaginal atrophy and incontinence, which is no fun at all. Of course, I'm aware that I signed a piece of paper saying that this could happen, but I also thought that "transitioning" was my only hope to deal with this intense feeling of alienation and disgust for my femininity. I was wrong. The transition didn't help. It did damage, it hurt, and now I have to learn to live with it. There is no surgery to undo what happened, no synthetic material to resemble the tissue I burned years ago. It took three years before I was ready to face the fact that what had happened had hurt me. I had been off testosterone for months before I admitted that I deeply, deeply regretted this surgery. And the task before me is to accept that the consequence of my actions is my current chest - flat, scarred, asymmetrical and nerve damaged.


Max Robinson / Source:

And then let's return to Hungary, where the amendment to the child protection law was born, which caused the liberal half of Europe to throw up bile; the part marked as homophobic reads:

It is forbidden to make available pornographic material to persons under the age of eighteen, as well as content that depicts sexuality for its own purposes, or that promotes or displays a deviation from the self-identity corresponding to the sex at birth, gender reassignment, and homosexuality.

What is homophobic in this framework - because the executive decrees are only specified later - is still a mystery to me. self-serving representation of both heterosexual and homosexual (and other) content It is incomprehensible why only the LGBT lobby is working against this? The sado-masochists, swingers, and fetishists have no idea that they can't visit other people's children and advertise their own adult lifestyle as a stigma, deprivation of rights, or ostracism.

Finally, let's give an adequate example: I wonder how any parent, whether conservative or liberal, would react if they noticed, while reading on the playground and half an eye on their four-year-old building a sandcastle, that a large, bearded, dressed as a woman crouched next to their child man, then he takes the little one and puts him on his lap?

From the child's point of view, does it matter if it happens on a playground or in kindergarten? Because drag queens (female impersonators) in the developed world can visit the latter location legally, even with state support, and they can go in and hold other people's 3-6 year old children in their arms under the title of reading fairy tales. Because it's good for them. I mean, for the uncles dressed in women's clothes.

Source: Pink News

Source: Pink News / The Swedish government supports "drag queen storytimes" for children with 175,000 Swedish crowns, i.e. more than fifty million forints.

So…nothing mixed up here. While the pedophile commits an assassination against the child's body and soul in a direct way, the LGBT lobby - the aggressor playing the role of the victim - does it indirectly: they get the most impressionable age group to commit this assassination themselves.



Bálint Botond: The sexualization of children is mind-boggling. Hungarian Nation

Labrisz Lesbian Association: Fairyland for everyone. Occupational plan for teachers

Lisa Marchiano: Outbreak: On Transgender Teens and Psychic Epidemics

Hungarian LGBT Association: Instead of question marks. LGBTQI minor to the media

Gergely Szilvay: Criticism of gender theory. 2020