The trouble on the left can be big, maybe even bigger. The toxic serum of the chronic lack of truth-telling has penetrated the souls of the main colonists and the subordinates who want to comply with them to such an extent that they are simply unable to get out of this situation. To speak honestly. At least with themselves.

For them, the campaign slogan that Hungary is moving forward, not backward, . Gyurcsány's neo-Marxist circles, the directions of progress are simply incomprehensible.

DK representative András Arató to this After four years of labor, they finally managed to find the main reason for the crushing election defeat. They will not believe that Arató was able to face the world with a serious face that Fidesz is responsible for their ugly downfall. He didn't add that, but we all thought about the mantra, and of course Viktor Orbán.

You are the ones who forced the opposition to run on a joint list," said the accuser in their latest lie disguised as the big truth.

In other words, this means that there is actually no named person responsible for the massive fall. Of course, Márki-Zay , and the opposite as well, but every Hungarian newsreader who deals with politics knows that the real leader is Ferenc Gyurcsány . If he didn't want a collaboration, there wouldn't have been a collaboration, it's like two and two.

Many quotes prove this. Máté Kocsis quoted the announcement published on the Facebook page of the Democratic Coalition on December 28, 2020:
" 2020 was a historic year in terms of opposition unity. What we in the DK have been saying since our establishment has come true this year: the opposition will run on a joint list in 2022."

Do you see in this a statement indicating any kind of external coercion? There is only one guiding sentence regarding the roots, that the DK has already said since its establishment that the joint list must be created in the opposition field.

A few months later, in March 2021, in Gyurcsány's annual evaluation, he said: In the past year, "the best thing that happened to us is that the patriotic, European, democratic opposition to Orbán's regime was born," recorded .
He added: "Undemocratic competition has been taking place in Hungary for a long time, (...) the opposition only has a chance to win and "restore normality" if it presents itself as a common political and electoral force."

Immediately after the election, Gyurcsány also defended the coalition in this way : " Anyone who believes that the opposition parties would have had better chances individually does not understand the Hungarian electoral system."

And on his Facebook, he wrote: "If there is an important development and result to be preserved from the last four years - in the structure of politics - it is the unity of the opposition."

It is impossible to know what has been going on within the ranks of the Democratic Coalition lately, but the inevitable question of Ferenc Gyurcsány's responsibility has been raised more and more in public opinion. So the fact that Gyurcsány is a rejected person in Hungarian politics means that no left-wing party can succeed with him. status quo must be maintained on command , so that the high-quality existence of the leader and the people close to him, based on millions of salaries, is ensured at least until May 2026.

Many people already mentioned this in the campaign: on the left, the goal is only a secure livelihood, the "little work, lots of money" , nothing else.

It is natural that this is an obvious fraud on the voters. This left is also notable for the fact that their rudeness and meanness knows no bounds, and they are the least interested in their relationship with the voters.

Fortunately, the voters are not like that. The latest survey by Nézőpont measured a further drop in popularity on the left. The DK stands at 6 percent, the other "allies" would not even get into the parliament. (Jobbik, Momentum 4, LMP, MSZP, Dialogue 1-1 percent.)

But perhaps in order to put an end to the eternal search for responsibility, so that Gyurcsány does not have to end up on the edge of the carpet, they invented that Fidesz, not Gyurcsány, was responsible for the downfall of the left, because he forced the alliance on them.

However, Arató suggests, they were against him hand and foot. We know: the evil Fidesz is just that.

They remember that one of the big scenes of burlesque films always includes the cake throwing, when the disputing parties push the sponge cake into each other's faces. Well, in DK they can even do that with a shovel.

They try to throw the foam cake in the image of their opponent, but they don't succeed, they just hit each other's faces. Even on the left, hardly anyone believes the Hungarian voice of Gyurcsány, András Arató, pointing to Fidesz and Orbán.

This is where the chronic lack of truth-telling can lead.


Author: József K. Horváth

Image: Flag magazine