"The filth that floods the big cities is only slowly creeping up the old Rózsadombs," writes Tamás Kötter on Facebook. The writer was reacting to the press report that American actress Angelina Jolie announced that she had signed up for Instagram to help people in Afghanistan who are getting less and less able to make their voices heard on social media.

"The "field work" preparing the resettlement - as in any other case: e.g. same-sex marriage; legalization of pedophilia must be done in the culture. Literary, musical works and films are created on the subject in order to continuously work on public opinion; the statements of the stars, photos, adoptions come, which the international press enthusiastically celebrates, while at best it silences dissent, at worst it makes it an object of ridicule and ridicule. Then the "civil" organizations come in a second wave to put the natives under new moral pressure, who after the ideological brainwashing, under the influence of "insidious fear" wholeheartedly celebrate the flooding of their homeland and homes with a medieval culture.

Source: AFP

Source: AFP

Well, that's how it goes, while Angelina and the caviar-Marxist intellectuals like her who can be found everywhere have nothing, but no responsibility, or fear the consequences of a decision in which she actively participated in the rape. The filth that floods the big cities is only slowly creeping up the ever-present Rose Hills!”

Featured image: velvet.hu