András Fekete-Győr submitted to a lie test the other day. That's all the news, and if the party leader who turns purple doesn't apply for the laurels of prime minister, we could leave it at that. However, unlike the others, this Prime Minister-designate-candidate-killed - even though there is no shortage of provocateurs in the ranks of the domestic opposition - for who knows what reason, entertains the dignitary with compulsive challenges.

The act, enriched with twists suitable for CSI, was performed by him on his Facebook page:

I am the first Hungarian politician who submitted to a real, professional lie investigation in order to answer the most pressing questions of pro-government and opposition voters. Details in the video! I hereby challenge Viktor Orbán to submit himself to the polygraph examination! After all, he considers himself a brave, outspoken and assertive person, so here's your chance to prove it! #poligrafchallenge

The fact that the father of a young man in his early thirties is provoking men of his age really indicates compulsive behavior, such was the case when he invited Gyula Budai and Szilárd Németh to an island tour. Let's just say that I didn't understand why he didn't want to show off his strength in skirmishing or wrestling, then of course I realized that running, which puts even pedestrian cuckoos to shame, is the only thing that fully suits Trendibandi's character. However, the polygraph examination of telling the truth in Fegyőr's performance was even worse than the island challenge, if there are those who take it seriously, including even his voting base socialized on Harry Potter.

The test was conducted by a professional lie detector specialist with more than 20 years of polygraph experience

– informs the text at the beginning of the video, which, with threefold emphasis (twenty years of experience, professional, specialist), impresses upon the viewer – his stupidity – how big a swarm this specialist was, but unfortunately does not reveal his name. The secret.

Then the questions themselves raise further questions, here is the first one:

Have you ever received any financial support from György Soros or any of his organizations?

Who wouldn't want such personalized questions? I can see with my mind's eye how Trendibandi Soros is sipping a Mai Tai cocktail in his living room, pulling out his Hello Kitty bag, into which Uncle Gyuri slips a check folded into the correct little check shape, accompanied by a "keep it up" pat on the back. Because that's the way it is. Of course, they could have asked the question in a different way, for example "are you aware of any person or organization in your direct or indirect sphere of interest who received financial support from György Soros?", but then perhaps the physiological phenomena that usually accompany cognitive dissonance would have appeared, such as a polygraph he could have confided.

By the way, Trendibandi and its communication cadres play on the scientific misconception that the polygraph lie test alone is worth anything or proves anything. Although forensic experts use its results, as well as the Rorschach test, the entire forensic expert opinion cannot clearly determine whether the delinquent lied, even with all the measuring tools of psychology. There is no scientifically accepted physiological formula for lying, and not only because some physiological phenomena (blood pressure, breathing rate) change in the same way with other emotions, but also because some of them do not appear at all when lying.

Finally, two additional problems arise in relation to the authenticity of the stunt: firstly, the recording is cut; with that much strength, anyone, even me, can make a film in which I swim a hundred meters in 50 seconds. On the other hand, Fekete-Győr was obviously familiar with the questions, and one of the basic criteria of the lie investigation is that the questions be asked in real time, the subject of the investigation hears it then and there for the first time.

In any case, it is difficult to decide whether the most disturbing thing about the behavior of the president of Momentum is that he wants to prove his integrity with a lie, or that his statements usually lead to a logical dead end - see the rule of law versus the Felszuti lawsuit, or accountability versus Gyurcsány's embrace.

I am convinced, however, that these performances are just the beginning, and that we can witness even more digital stunts before the elections. I don't have a crystal ball, but a fire hoop jump - strictly from a recording - I still look like the guy.

Although I would be more happy if the polygraph was followed by the Pentothal (truth serum - ed.) ; something tells me we should have more fun.

Cover image: HPGY