The average salary in Slovakia is 1,185 euros, the lowest among the Visegrad four countries. The average salary in the Czech Republic is 1,533 euros, in Hungary it is 1,369 euros, and in Poland it is 1,301 euros. In terms of Central and Eastern Europe, the Germans can enjoy the best average salary of 4,130 euros, followed by the Austrians with 3,818 euros.

The lowest average wage, EUR 400, is recorded in Kosovo, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina with EUR 450 and Ukraine with EUR 485. This is revealed in a survey by the consulting company Mazars, which annually compares the tax systems of 22 Central and Eastern European countries.

The survey also reveals that the taxes and mandatory contributions of employees have decreased significantly in 22 countries this year. In terms of contributions and taxes, their ratio to gross wages is on average 15 percent.

However, there are significant differences between the individual countries in this area as well...

2022plus: Dear Hungarian opposition! Did you like reading the short article above? The survey published on the portal seems to disprove your lie that the Hungarian average wage is the lowest in the world (but certainly in Central Europe). How is this? Or do the numbers lie? Maybe the survey is lying?

No, dear ladies and gentlemen of the opposition, the numbers do not lie. Rather you.

Source: Felvidé

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