Two species of insects, the gypsy moth and the gypsy ant, have had their names changed because they are considered offensive. Noizz reported .

It is not the first time that the entomological organization has changed the name of one or even two animal species immediately for this reason. So far, name changes have only taken place if it turned out that the definition is not scientifically accurate.

According to Michelle S. Smith, the president of the organization, there are two reasons for the decision, on the one hand, the word gypsy (gypsy in English) has been used by the Roma for a long time, and on the other hand, no one wants a harmful, invasive animal species to be named after it.

They are no longer Jewish

The entomological society constantly monitors the names of common insects to see if any are offensive or inaccurate. About 20 years ago, fish experts also renamed a gilled jewfish to goliath perch.
