The next generation must be equipped with Christian values. A pro-life children's book has been published that teaches children about the sanctity of life. The pro-life tale Little Lives Matter was dreamed up by bestselling author Elizabeth Johnston in collaboration with the conservative publisher BRAVE Books. Their goal is to equip the next generation with Christian values.

The storybook of Johnston, who has ten children, goes against the pro-abortion propaganda bombarding children from all sides, reports Lifenews. It teaches parents and children alike that all life deserves a chance, even the unborn.

The book and the author/Source: The Post Millennial

The book and the author/Source: The Post Millennial

The mother of the family stands up for the sanctity of life, and with her book teaches respect for babies in the womb, the disabled and the elderly.

The story is simple, yet heartwarming. It's about a mama bear and Mobi, her little truncated son with paws. The cub is born with only one front paw. But the mother has no intention of forsaking her or complaining about it. No matter how many difficulties he faces, he sticks by his beloved teddy bear. "For me, his life is the most important, not my own," he emphasizes even in the most dangerous situations. Because let's face it: with half an arm, life is much harder than we first think.



The devil also appears in the book, in the form of a vulture, who, step by step, announces the easier way to the mother bear. "Why don't you leave him and live alone without problems?" - says the promising possibility. But the mother is adamant and will not give up her child for any money.

Through the story of Johnston, the mama bear and little Mobi, she wants to prepare children to be brave as adults, to stand up for Christian values ​​and to protect life in all circumstances.

When the book was published, the writer also campaigned for the protection of life with a powerful speech, which she published on her Twitter page.

Elizabeth Johnston Twitter

Source/Elizabeth Johnston Twitter

"As a mother, it breaks my heart that the media, schools and celebrities are teaching our children that it is perfectly okay to abort babies."

According to the mother of ten children, modern culture imposes abortion on society. Hollywood celebrities such as Miley Cyrus or Alyssa Milano openly promote abortion to their audience, including young people. On their social media pages and in their speeches, they almost glorify the possibility of multiple abortions, proclaiming that abortion is part of health care to which every woman has the right. And the teenagers drink their words.

According to the writer, calling child murders a routine, natural intervention and making young people believe that all this is normality is nothing but methodical brainwashing!

"As parents, it is our job to teach our children the truth. They need to know that every life deserves a chance, that's why I wrote the book Little Lives Matter," the author sums up what was said.

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