Croatia is irredeemably corrupt, Hungary is a kleptocracy, Bulgaria and Romania are mafia states, and the Czech prime minister steals EU funds. Ukraine, Russia and former Soviet republics are ruled by thieving oligarchs. I didn't have to think long, I quickly figured out the solution: the of Europe have poorly developed brains, that's why they steal so much. the Eurozone and the USA , i.e. among the "developed", and if there is, it doesn't matter, because it doesn't exist. If Western companies come here and corrupt the local people, they are not corrupt either, they are just forced to adapt to us. See: Siemens, Strabag , etc. To mention only the most obvious ones - writes historian Mária Schmidt .

The non-corrupt ones

Since the fifties, Austria has been based on corruption between the two major parties (ÖVP, SPÖ). All government jobs, all benefits, even holiday allowances are distributed on a party basis. As well as shops. The German Automobile Club has been corrupting state and federal politicians for decades in order to avoid paying taxes. When they failed, the whole matter was swept under the rug. Merkel bought a DVD from an informant for 5 million euros, which contained the stolen data of 1,500 German tax evaders. Eighty percent of the rest – allegedly more than 100,000 affected Germans – held around 23 billion euros in just one bank in Zurich. According to reports, the suspects included three members of parliament from the Liberal Free Democrats, one from the Conservatives, and three from the Social Democrats. The informant provided the teaser with the data of five individuals who committed tax fraud of nearly one million euros each. [1] The big revelations are still waiting for you. For years, the VW concern its emissions data and thereby harmed not only its customers, but also other car manufacturers. The 2021 EU vaccine purchases Stella Kyriakides Pfizer and AstraZeneca , for years . What does God (and chance) do, so didn't 4 million euros suddenly appear on the Commissioner's account? There is no explanation, no investigation was started, obviously because this was only the tip of the iceberg.

The President of the Commission, who has failed several times and has fallen from corruption to corruption, von der Leyen triumphantly announced just the other day that the EU vaccine procurement was a success story. Certainly for him, his friends and business partners. Not so for EU citizens. If I count correctly, only five German representatives fell into corruption cases surrounding the procurement of masks. While the chancellor candidate of the Greens was found to have provided false information about his education in several places. He's not the only one. The center of the Union, Brussels , is not called the capital of lobbyists by chance, because nearly twelve and a half thousand lobbyists are registered . Washington , it is the second most popular city for political-economic advocacy. Let there be no doubt: what is called over there political-economic advocacy, when it comes to us, it is called corruption. Because what else would political-economic advocacy be, if not to bribe, manipulate, and buy decision-makers? Big American tech companies are stepping up their lobbying in Brussels as the EU gets closer to adopting a digital tax. , Google already spent 8 million euros to influence European legislation. Since 2014, Facebook and Apple , Amazon , and Google have increased their spending in this way by a combined 510 percent. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Why is it that the cooperation of US and EU decision-makers with lobbyists is not considered bribery? Why did the corrupt and dishonest financial elite of the USA get away with the fact that their investment banks played a pyramid scheme for years, which brought down the entire world economy in 2008? Because it applies to this as well, "that they decide who is corrupt."

But why are they using the charge of corruption against us?

In order to tap into people's sense of justice and envy in order to discredit politics. In order to discredit and discredit the leaders and institutions of those countries, including our country, which fearfully guard their recently regained independence and continue to consider the interests of their national communities as primary. Our politicians are being delegitimized, they are being framed as common law criminals, in order to clear the way for global companies and bureaucrats representing their interests. They are the new elite who promote the universalism of global companies with a fervor that puts to shame the radicalism of the Bolsheviks who preach proletarian internationalism.

The full article can be read HERE

Cover photo: Mária Schmidt, director general of the House of Terror Museum (Photo: MTI/Lajos Soós)