Although it's not my favorite pastime, I occasionally read Facebook posts, where you can write nonsense without any consequences. Although it happens that the operator deletes the posts he doesn't like, saying "the sentences are suitable for disturbing the peace," but these do not apply to the rainbow liberal unbaked sentences. Regardless of this, it is worth studying the correct home-saving sentences. Here are some examples.

Anna Donáth Facebook

Image: Facebook

How did Fidesz steal EU subsidies from Hungarians? - can be read on the social page of Anna Donáth, who writes, among other things:

"If we better understand how Fidesz stole EU subsidies from the Hungarians, we will be able to deliver justice and prevent them from further embezzling subsidies intended for schools, hospitals and workplaces. That is why it is important that the EU rule of law report accurately and correctly describes the situation in Hungary and Europe. That is why I spoke at the European Parliament's LIBE (Civil Law, Internal Affairs and Justice) committee, of which I am also a member."

To make it easier to understand, the post does not mention his favorite girlfriend who profited from EU funds. You should also deal with Katika! But as we know, with the Dontáhs, character is not a family virtue, because von Haus aus is a golden truth!  

István Ujhelyi

Image: Facebook

Well, let's look at Ujhelyi Pisti's Facebook post:

This much talked about "rule of law mechanism" is an infinitely simple thing.

"Anyone who does not follow the rules - for example, steals from the common - cannot automatically benefit from the benefits provided by the community. To translate it into Orban language: the one who ties the horses cannot eat more than the joint Kipchak-Dakota campfire; whoever kicks the other player in the shin will surely get a card, no matter what he says to the sportsman. The penalty card will be red, not yellow.

On Wednesday, the Court of Justice of the European Union will announce its verdict in the case of the joint Polish-Hungarian petition, which was submitted by the illiberal governments against the so-called rule of law mechanism of the European Union.

Its content can be predicted with a good chance: on the one hand, from the fact that Fidesz is already talking about political blackmail and rowdy conspiracy, and foreign intervention, on the other hand, from the published position of the Chief Counsel of the Court of Justice, according to which the adoption and launch of the rule of law mechanism is compatible with the existing treaties and respects the principle of legal certainty. If this is also the decision of the appropriate majority of the judicial council on Wednesday, it will simply give the green light to the rule of law procedure.

Let's not talk about who, when and how horses he sold to the companies dominating liberal Europe in the middle of the 2000s, because Pista and his companions have a short memory. Let's also not talk about who kicks the other in the shins, because they can't digest the red flat fall. What Ujhelyi and his friends do not understand at all is that they are not kicking a player in the shin, but an entire team, i.e. the majority of the nation.

And the fact that Pista announces the decision of the Court of the European Union in advance is not new, as we have heard about it before. Comrade from Ujhely! It is enough to watch the film Witness, if your grandparents and parents had not told you about it. I doubt that though!

Ildiko Lendvai

Image: Facebook

Well, let's take a look at the post of the letterer Ildikó Lendvai:

“This is terrible. I sit here all day, mirror in hand, ready to engrave Hungary's new law. You know, in addition to the week that is on the wall of Karmelita with Orbán's golden spits, better people also received it as a gift. But I do not know! And one of the more insignificant reasons for this is that I have no idea how to engrave.

Dear Ildiko!

There are excellent engraving courses, although holding the mirror in your hand all day might be another reason. Either he is looking at where new wrinkles should be sewn up, or - although it is hard to imagine - he is having an examination of conscience. However, in his post, he complains that in the Prime Minister's speech, he said that the left "is still in the nation, but like the left wing in the National Anthem". Well, if we want to be honest, what was produced in this country from 1919 to 2010 was the fate of the nation. That's why I recommend that you don't hold onto that mirror all day, because if it accidentally breaks, it means a lot of trouble.