They declared. Together and united. They are twenty. Embassies, institutions, people trembling for LGBTQI+ rights. Nor does it bother them that no one violates such rights here. It doesn't matter, the facts are incidental.

The joint statement was published on the occasion of the upcoming Budapest Pride parade, which reads, among other things:

"On the occasion of the 26th Budapest Pride Festival, we, the following embassies and cultural institutes, assure the members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersexual (LGBTQI+) community of our full support. We stand for their right to equality and non-discrimination, freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, and freedom from violence. We recognize the work of LGBTQI+ civil rights organizations to ensure that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, receive equal treatment and full protection of the law. Democratic states are built on respect for the rule of law and universal human rights." (The full statement here , but if you have a knife in your pocket, don't do it, because you're afraid it will open.)

Among other things, the declaration also states that "regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, all people are equal and are entitled to the same human rights and freedoms without discrimination."

Yeah. They are absolutely right. After all, the same signatories must stand with similar vehemence against the defamation and persecution of Christians, for the rights of heterosexual people, for the freedom of parents to raise children, for the rights of children for their normal development, against the sexual crimes of illegal migrants, and we could go on and on. Because we know, don't we, how much all of this concerns the commentators... Or not.

Tamás Deutsch, a member of the European Parliament of Fidesz, responded to the open letter

"Dear LGBTQI+ Party Ambassadors!
(At the outset, I would like to clarify that, in accordance with modern and progressive European expectations, I omitted the gender-remaining "Ambassador" and "Mr. Ambassador" addresses in the address, I hope you are happy and can stay.) On the occasion of Pride, you made a joint statement with the members of the LGBTQI+ community
. Their statement also explains that international human rights are based on the broad premise that all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are equal and are entitled to the same human rights and freedoms without discrimination. Therefore, they reject and condemn all acts of violence, harassment, stigmatization and discrimination against individuals targeted because of their sexual orientation or gender identity anywhere in the world. They support the fight against hate speech, violence and discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals and communities at international, regional and national levels.

Seeing your commendable zeal for human rights , I respectfully request that the members of the communities of the native national minorities, including the Hungarians abroad, express their previous and this year's joint declarations expressing their equally militant stance.

International human rights are based on the broad premise that all people, regardless of their nationality or national identity, are equal and are entitled to the same human rights and freedoms without discrimination. Therefore, you must also reject and condemn all acts of violence, harassment, stigmatization and discrimination against individuals targeted because of their nationality or national identity anywhere in the world.

I trust that they will support the fight against hate speech, violence and discrimination against Hungarians abroad at the international, regional and national levels, right?

And in addition to the LGBTQI+ statements, they probably have a lot of joint statements with members of indigenous national minority communities, which they can send to us without any problems.
Thank you in advance!
That's it."

(Cover image: PestiSrá