In the cartoon Madagascar, various animals (lions, zebras, giraffes) experience exciting adventures after they want to be moved back into the wild as part of a program. Among them, a separate team is represented by the penguins, who always go their separate ways and come up with strange ideas, about whom the lion once succinctly declares: "Penguins are mentally ill." Say this to a talking lion from a cartoon fairy tale movie!

The question is, who is considered mentally ill in a community? The one who goes against the mainstream? A normal person who wanders into a madhouse has to stick to reality even when everyone around him imagines himself to be Napoleon.

A few decades ago, the European Union looked like a glittering, well-built castle with valuable art treasures, cultured inhabitants, a strict agenda and a wise master.

It has now been revealed that it is actually a house of fools.

We, lonely visitors, believe that humanity domesticated cattle, pigs, and poultry over thousands of years by chance. Satisfy your hunger with delicious meals made from them, rich in nutrients. However, according to the original residents of the house, it would be better to return to the diet of the ancients or of János the Baptist fasting in the desert, to throw away all the achievements of civilization, and to eat disgusting crickets and bugs.

In common sense, we imagine that if someone needs some product from the market, he goes out and buys it. Even if the bucket is perhaps not so sympathetic. However, there are those who reason: I won't buy anything from this, I'd rather kill myself and my children too. Besides, the guy sells it to someone else, he's doing great. The customer is so annoyed by this that he leaves the entire market, does not buy clothes, dishes or tools, books or bicycles. "I did well with them!", he declares with satisfaction, and stumbles home to his apartment, curls up in the corner and is cold, hungry and angry in the dark.

As a result of a long historical development, the system of states asking their citizens about their vision of the world has roughly developed.

Yes, but if the citizens' answer differs from what the chosen few who specialize in it want to hear, they suddenly reinterpret democracy, which can mean many things, except the expression of the will of the people.

It has been obvious since ancient times - it was even written in a book, long before Netflix was founded - that humanity consists of men and women. Yet, in this previously seemingly normal house (in which Romeo and Juliet also lived), now men can get pregnant, and pretty much anyone can have a wedding with anyone, with the possible exception of the original line-up, because it is classified as a strained, oppressive, abusive relationship.

It also became clear quite a long time ago - it was also written about in that book - that killing a person is an ugly thing. We don't even do that, at least if it is very small and therefore defenseless (we call it abortion, because this word is not in the commandments), or if it is helpless and old (which we call elegantly euthanasia). Even if we find nice names for other genocides, we can use them as well.

Is it any wonder if we sometimes think: compared to these, even penguins are flaming minds.

Written by Zsolt Ungváry. Source:

Image source: Facebook/ Penguins of Madagascar