The Hungarian Medical Chamber considers it important and welcomes the mandatory vaccination against the coronavirus for healthcare workers, the presidency of the chamber announced on the organization's website on Friday. Currently, this measure can ensure the protection of patients and colleagues, they wrote. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Radio Kossuth Good morning, Hungary! announced on Friday that healthcare workers will be required to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. The chamber reminded us that until now there was a mandatory vaccination, for example against hepatitis B. The chamber does not have official data on the vaccination of healthcare workers against the coronavirus, but their vaccination rate is higher than that of the general public, the announcement states.

The Board of the Hungarian Chamber of Health Professionals supports the compulsory vaccination of healthcare workers against the coronavirus, reads the board's resolution on Friday, which was published on the organization's website.

Taking the vaccine ensures us, our families and patients that during another wave of epidemics, healthcare workers will not become infected with the coronavirus or pass it on

says the text. The presidency of the Chamber of Health Professionals wrote that the main moral law is the interest of the patient. By taking the vaccine, all healthcare workers fully comply with the bioethical principle of doing no harm, to which they swore upon obtaining their professional qualification, the announcement reads. Let's be exemplary, let's all get vaccinated! they wrote.

Source: Hungarian Nation; Photo: MTI/Attila Balázs