In order to prevent further waves of the coronavirus epidemic and to protect patients, it is now mandatory for healthcare workers to be vaccinated - the government decree to this effect will soon be published in the Magyar Közlöny.

In Hungary, the vaccination program started with the vaccination of healthcare workers at the end of December last year, the vast majority of healthcare workers received the vaccine against the coronavirus, only a few remained who had not yet been vaccinated. Now they are also being asked to get vaccinated. Healthcare workers are particularly exposed to infection and can also be a source of social spread of the virus. They need to be vaccinated to protect their own health and the health of patients.

The mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers is supported by the Hungarian Chamber of Doctors and the Hungarian Chamber of Healthcare Professionals, and the National Hospital General Directorate also considers it justified in order to protect the health of both workers in the sector and patients and their relatives...

... Healthcare workers who have not yet been vaccinated must take the first dose of the vaccine by September 1 at the latest. Healthcare providers cannot establish a new legal relationship with a healthcare worker who does not take the vaccine and the legal relationship must be terminated with the healthcare worker who refuses to take the vaccine.

The full article can be read here.

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