For the time being, there are no consequences in Momentum for Katalinék Cseh's suspected corruption EU applications, for the money siphoning done by the family interests of the party's member of the European Parliament in recent years. All of this is also distasteful because Momentum has previously stated several times that it applies zero tolerance even within the party, if any abuse or suspected case of corruption is made public, Magyar Nemzet reports.

András Fekete-Győr has not yet initiated an investigation Kataliné Cseh , although he previously spoke in the Hír Televízíó studio about the relentless and consistent fight against corruption. The presenter asked the question: if a representative of Momentum were to receive EU support illegally or through his political connections, would he also be held accountable? To this the party president replied:

"How about that! Naturally! Naturally! I am not willing to live in a country - for the last thirty years I have been forced - where nothing has consequences! It was possible to steal public money freely, it was possible to cheat and lie, but this must be stopped! Hungary can no longer be a country without consequences."

(The relevant part can be viewed from 9.27.)

So far, however, no such investigation has been launched into the case of Kataliné Cseh within the party, even though a lot of information has been made public in recent days that raises the suspicion of abuse.

The news portal reminds us: based on the press reports of the past few days, a picture emerged of a company network linked to Katalin Cseh and the family of the momentous politician, which specializes in tapping EU funds. By systematically cooperating and coordinating their activities, the enterprises found in the system were able to collect HUF 4.8 billion in EU funds.

Source: Magyar Nemzet/

(Cover image source: YouTube/Hír tv)