Klára Dobrev gave an interview to Alfahír , from which - without boring the reader - I would like to quote only one part.

"If we look at the political aspects, then during the 2008-2009 economic crisis, we thought that the most important thing in crisis management was budgetary stability and maintaining the functionality of the financial sector."

I don't know how to interpret the royal plural - we thought! Maybe my memory is wrong, but I don't remember that Klára Dobrev was a member of the government. So what could have happened in that little Apró villa?

And the continuation goes like this:

"However, the past 10 years have shown that this was a flawed crisis management at the European level, but this practice was required of the member countries, including the Hungarian government at the time.

But Europe learned a lot from the crisis, the budget was doubled during the coronavirus epidemic, because the decision-makers understood that money and support should be given not to banks, not to large companies, but to small and medium-sized companies, to the people. However, the Orbán government is not following this path."

Puff for him! I don't like Jakab's parliamentary style, so I would rather put it this way: I suspect that even the fiercest enemy did not dare to think that DK would spit in the face of his political opponents like this. In vain, lying impudence has become a virtue for the rainbow ballibs, since there would be nothing wrong with admitting that the crisis management practice was demanded by the union. But they repent and regret their sins - just like Klára and Ferenc - and they realized that money and support should be given to small and medium-sized enterprises and people. This great recognition was not followed by the Orbán government!???

One could only respond to this with really harsh words, because there is no need to list, starting with the bank tax, the various subsidies, which have a very long list and according to DK, all of them were invented and advocated by the union! Wasn't it more like they were the ones who were snoring?

Only those who really want to save their skin or want to gain power at all costs are capable of such lies. He believes that he can make people believe all kinds of nonsense - there will be a United States of Europe, an EU minimum wage, an EU pension, etc. – even that the emptying of the state coffers during her husband's government is also thanks to the union. He does all this out of lust for power, saying he loves his country...

Although there is no hope that, say, politicians who are corrupt to the core might study Ferenc Deák's political understanding, since it is as far from them as the lie was from the wise man of the country, but maybe we can make them understand one thought.

"He who awakens unattainable desires in the bosom of gullible people is neither a friend of the people nor of the country."     Photo: Wikipedia

Opening photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé