KamuGeri walked into Fletó's trap. Over the years, Ferenc Gyurcsány forced the opposition parties to unconditionally capitulate with the systematic full cooperation.

This led to the signing of the "blood contract" in January, from which you can no longer dance. The party that would do this would be finished, with this step it would seal its own death sentence. The voters would punish the dance-out. Fletó also knew that they could no longer slice the same cake, so the drama in Gyurcsány, called the primary election, was only the fulfillment of the drama, or rather the fulfillment of it for DK.

The harvest itself.

However, in the left wing, KariGeri fell behind like a tip. Because of this, Gergely Karácsony was forced to suffer a huge loss of popularity in the capital of traffic jams, as he is unable to convert the likes harvested in his main living space, in the virtual space, on social media, into votes.

Even the blind can see this. According to public opinion polls, the popularity of Karácsony, the joint prime ministerial candidate of the MSZP, Párbeszéd and the recently joined LMP, is only half that of Péter Jakab from Paris, six million in Jobbik, and Klára Dobrev from DK Gyurcsány, and is not even better in the villages. his situation.

The wife of the fallen prime minister, Gyurcsány, despite her great rejection, is going head-to-head with Karácson in the capital, even ahead of the people of the 99 Movement. The main reason for this is, of course, that the mayor - who did not make a lasting impression even as mayor of Zugló, in fact - made so many blunders that even a cottage cheese dumpling would make a person's stomach sick.

The paralysis prior to the start of the renovation of the Chain Bridge - which is paid for by Budapest taxpayers by five billion forints - only left, the anomalies of the suspicious BKV bus tender, and now the endless traffic jams cast a shadow on the certificate and eat away at the nervous system of the capital's citizens, their faith in the "man of hope". In addition to the traffic jams, Gergely Karácsony can show the crazy bicycle lane painting, the weedy capital, the provocative display of the rainbow flag.

The negative bonus is the hyperpassive English language skills, the fake resume, the missing thesis, the dismissal from the position of assistant professor. Even the gay bar plan went up in smoke from the flood of promises. You can't even put in the display case that her deputy, Kata Tüttő, threw the remaining respect of Christmas into the sea on the Greek luxury horseback ride from the traffic jams.

The 99 Movement is not a success story that you can bathe in either, instead KariGeri bathes in camouflaging. At the beginning of June, he boasted that he would meet several European prime ministers within days of the primary election campaign. Now we write August, but where is that one? Nowhere. His movement, announced in the luxury residential park, finances KariGeri's referendum initiative on seven hundred billboards. The donors were therefore not recruited from the activists of the 99 Movement, but rather from the privileged one percent.

Walking into Fletó's trap, KamuGeri piles up mistake after mistake. What credibility can a politician have who, for example, talks in the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit that asserting the rights of refugees is a moral duty and is part of the program of the Hungarian left, but this will not be put on any poster. They hide it well. For the hyper-passive Karácsony, who eats from the palm of his hand in Brussels, it is also self-evident that the carbon tax planned by the European Union should not be paid by large companies, but by the Hungarian people. Thank you, Geri!

Source: magyarhirlap.hu / Károly Bán

Featured image: vadhajtasok.hu