Klára Dobrev quietly admitted that the left-wing collapse list and its representatives have no chance of winning the election.

Gyurcsány's wife did not make a big deal of this, as she quietly told Jelen Média in an unreasonably long conversation of almost an hour that

"I will not accept my mandate. In other words, I will remain a member of the European Parliament. But let's talk about what happens on April 4th on April 4th."

On the one hand, thanks to the almighty good God that we don't have to watch him in the parliament - it's good for everyone, only the infinite evil tells me that I would watch when Mrs. Gyurcsány sat between Ferenc Gyurcsány and Ágnes Vadai. It would be a wonderful moment, because the left is also a nice big family and it would be nice to see them unite.

Well, but Mrs. Gyurcsány will not be a member of the Parliament, since she herself said with her own mouth that she will not take over the mandate. Clear speech. The only question is why the communist bloc will include him in second place on its list, right behind Péter Márki-Zay. Although the opposition is currently quite weak according to the reports, the second place is almost certain to be a runner-up position. And doesn't this also mean that after the sure fall, you should do politics in the opposition, which is supposed to be not as fun as if you were in the government.

In other words, Klára Dobrev cowardly let all this go. He will campaign until April just like that, but he has no desire to sit in the parliamentary shoes and sometimes say something amazing. He is also a real political beneficiary, he does not deal with the affairs of the country, only with what will happen to himself. He doesn't want anything, he only cares about his own future. Let's add that even though he is not in need, it is financially more profitable to sit in Brussels than in the Hungarian Parliament.

Dobrev's announcement is a message to everyone on the left. When he says he won't take his seat, he also says they have no chance. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be even if Gyurcsány's wife led the list, but she and Mári-Zay have absolutely no chance of winning. This is what Klára Dobrev just said.

Source: 888.hu

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