Eastern vaccines have saved the lives of thousands of people All vaccines prevented the development of infection by 85-90 percent, and in preventing deaths they were more than 90 percent effective - stated Prof. Dr. Miklós Kásler in a video interview, responding to the accusation of representative Bernadett Szél, who scientific data accused the minister of fraud in the name of his detention.

Miklós Kásler added that approximately 10,000 lives were saved by the Hungarian government's decision to organize the vaccination and include Eastern vaccines.

Regarding Bernadett Szél's criticism, the minister pointed out: until we have a sufficient number of test results, we will not publish data, because this is the ethics of scientific communication. Not even if representative Bernadett Szél, who has no idea about medical research, notices this. The research results can be made public when the scientific value has been processed, and it is expected that they will be published in a major international journal after appropriate objections and proofreading.

In the interview, Miklósa Kásler also responded Klara Dobrev , a politician from the Democratic Coalition, according to which the government mishandled the epidemic situation. He said: The Nikkei, one of the world's leading newspapers, called the government's defense against the epidemic the third most successful in the world. "I accept their competence more than that of the representative's wife," he added, then continued: " I understand that political capital must be forged, but not at the cost of human lives." After that, he posed a question to the representative: How many people did he make insecure, and how many people are the left responsible for their deaths because of his anti-vaccination statements?

Regarding the vaccination of 12-17-year-olds, he pointed out that the number of illnesses and hospitalizations under the age of 20 has increased worldwide. In Hungary, 33 percent of the 12-17-year-olds have already been vaccinated. Regarding the vaccination campaign before the start of the school year, the Minister of Human Resources believed that it was a great opportunity to vaccinate a large number of young people under professionally guaranteed conditions.

(Cover image source: YouTube)