Every evening between 9:30 and midnight, a unique light painting can be seen on the side of the Budavári Palace facing the Danube, announcing the reborn St. István Hall until August 29.

The ornate room recreated in the south connecting wing of the part of the building restored to its original form of the Buda Castle will open its doors to visitors on August 20, who can see the room for free in the first few days.

Using hundreds of small details from the motifs of the masterpieces of the legendary historical room, a unique, projected pattern decorates the eastern facade of the Buda Castle. Next to Szent István stands IV. The figure of King Béla and Saint Elizabeth of Árpád-háza, works of all three can be seen in the room.

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé

In five cities across the country, unique installations also draw attention to the reborn hall, announced the Castle Administration.

In the Budavári Palace District, Keszthely, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém and Visegrád, you can glimpse the beauty of the reconstructed historic hall with the help of augmented reality.

The purpose of the outdoor installations, decorated with motifs from the Szent István room, is that after scanning the QR code on them, those interested can take a look into the detailed world of the impressive room, including the decorative tiles of the largest Zsolnay fireplace in the country, the paintings depicting saints and kings, and the carved wooden ceiling.

Source: MTI

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé