If we ask a Muslim: what does the word jihad mean, he will probably answer: the effort with which they keep the prescriptions of the 5 pillars of their religion (profession, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage).

If Islam were only a religion, this answer would be true. But Islam is not only a religion, but also politics, a totalitarian political system , which is very similar to Nazism and Communism.

Nazism is based on racial theory, communism is based on class theory, and Islam is based on religious theory. Let us quietly note here that nowadays we can already talk about a fourth totalitarian system, which can be called a big capitalist dictatorship based on Kalergi's "anti-racial theory". There is no shortage of violence here either: they are trying with all their might to artificially mix the different peoples (whites, blacks, yellows, browns) and to turn Europe (later the whole world) into a single collective farm by eliminating national borders. This kolkhoz would be an easy-to-manipulate mass of uniformed people who have lost their identity, under the rule of a single world government (made up of big capitalists)...

Returning to Islam as a totalitarian political system: it has only one pillar: fighting in the Ways of Allah, called Little Jihad Armed violence plays the leading role in this fight, along with prayer, giving and propaganda Simplifying things a bit, we can say: big jihad = effort - little jihad = violence. In vain even the Hungarian Catholic Lexicon says that "the meaning of jihad 'holy war' was developed primarily among non-Muslims" /7./: this is a serious mistake. In the 7,275 hadiths collected by Bukhari, the word jihad means war 98 times out of 100 (!)...

There is no doubt that violence sometimes played a role in the spread and defense of Christianity (expulsion of heresy), but this was a consequence of moving away from the teachings of Christ. In Islam, however, this use of force is a continuation of the conquest prescribed by Allah and practiced by Muhammad. Spreading the Christian faith is primarily the task of charismatic preachers and missionaries, while in Islam it is the task of the masses fanaticized by their imams.

The Qur'an, especially in the Medinan surahs, is full of calls to jihad as an armed struggle. Let's read into the chronologically last, and therefore the "strongest", chapter 9:

14:              "Fight against the disbelievers! Allah will punish and humiliate them by your hands."

24: This verse says that neither love of relatives nor material possessions can be dearer than "Allah, His Messenger, and fighting in His Ways."

38-39: These verses refer to the happiness in the other world, and the painful punishment in case of not engaging in or neglecting the fight.

41:              "So go into battle easily or with difficulty. Fight with your bodies and your possessions in the Ways of Allah!”

45-49: These verses condemn those who are reluctant to "withdraw" or delay fighting.

73:              “O Prophet! Fight against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be strict with them. Their refuge is Hell. What a terrible fate!”

81: For those who are reluctant to leave on the grounds of heat, he offers the prospect of the fire of Hell, which will be much hotter…

29:              "When the Holy Days are over, then kill the associators where you find them. Catch them! Set a trap for them from your ambushes. But if they repent, perform the prayer and pay the zakat, then let them go their way.”

Unfortunately, the later sunnahs and the 14th century Shariatövény are no less militant than the Medinan surahs of the Koran.

Bukhari 1,2,35: “Muhammad said: 'whoever joins Jihad... and survives, Allah will reward him either in the Hereafter or his reward will be the spoils of war. If he falls in battle and is martyred, he will be admitted to Paradise'.”

Muslim 01.0031: (Muhammad said:) “I have been ordered to wage war against mankind until they accept that there is no god but Allah and until they believe that I am His Prophet and accept every revelation that he makes through me.”

Sharia o 9.0: "Jihad means a war against the kafirs, the purpose of which is to establish the legal system of Sharia."

o 9,1: "Jihad is the duty of the community."

o 9.4: "Every man of sound mind and body, who has reached the age of puberty, has the duty to fight."

o 9.5: "First call them to convert to Islam, then oblige them to pay the jizya. If they refuse to convert or pay taxes, attack them.”

At the time of Muhammad's death in 632, the Arabian peninsula was already entirely inhabited by Muslims and dhimmis who submitted to them. The fact that Muhammad did not know the concept of a declaration of war also played a role in his success. He attacked the various cities like a raid, according to one of his sayings: "war is a deception". He also encouraged his followers to deceive the Kafirs on several occasions (cf. Bikhári 5,59,369) /8./ This is the takiya , which is mentioned in VIII. we have already talked about the commandment. The end in Islam (as we know) chars the means.

In 732, a hundred years after Muhammad's death, the Islamic empire reached from France to the Great Wall of China. Several reasons played a role in the rapid spread: there was a political vacuum in North Africa, a dynastic feud was raging on the Iberian Peninsula, social justice was greater in the Muslim states than in the Byzantine or Persian Empires, Islam made the warlike Arab tribes realize that belonging is good. feelings and at the same time set a new, more attractive goal for their fights. But at least as significant was the fact that neither the Byzantine Empire nor the Persian Empire took the threat seriously.

source: Mandarin

Source: Mandarin

History repeats itself: as if we were in today's European Union! Despite Houari Boumédiène's (already quoted) speech at the UN, despite the warnings of Christians living in Islamic countries who know Islam better than we do: neither the majority of European leaders nor the average citizens of the Union take the danger seriously. Henri Boulad, the already quoted Alexandrian Jesuit monk, also quotes Muslim intellectuals:

"You stopped us at Poitiers, you turned us back from Vienna, but you will not stop us now, this time we will continue, only with different means." /9./

At Poitiers, Károly Martell managed to stop the Muslims for the first time in 732, and the Turks were turned back from Vienna János Sobieski in 1683. But we must mention another decisive sea battle near Lepanto in Greece, where the Christian fleet miraculously won against the Turks - accompanied by the prayers of the Pope and his followers - in 1571.

Today, everyone in Europe is afraid of terrorism, even though the danger of terrorist attacks threatens perhaps every ten thousand people (or not so much), and the danger of a Muslim takeover and the subsequent fate of servitude threatens everyone who will still be living here in Europe in 50 years - if migration is the way it has been so far continues at pace…

Speaking of delusions, let's mention that a good number of people divide Muslims into two parts: on one side there are some nasty terrorists, on the other side are the peaceful masses. That's not true. If, on the other hand Ayatollah Khomeini's saying: "Islam is either politics or it does not exist" is true, then it is also true that:

"A Muslim is either a jihadist or he doesn't exist."

This does not mean that all Muslims today are terrorists - although he has no principled reservations about the Islamic State or terrorist acts. On the other hand, the majority realizes that weapons have no chance against NATO and its American ally, rather the quiet occupation of Europe as "refugees" or "economic immigrants". Terrorist acts are actually counterproductive, migration is a purposeful act. Now the General Human Rights must be referred to, then the Koran and the Sharia. This is expressed by Sheik Yusufal-Qaradawi , one of the European leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, made in Rome in 2002: "We colonize you with your democratic rights, we rule over you with our Koranic laws." /10./

It is also a delusion that "Muslims will eventually just integrate ". In this regard, let me quote II. Hassan of Morocco, who told a French TV channel: "Islam is incompatible with secularization, the separation of church and state. We Maghrebs will never fit into your French society." Charles de Gaulle already aware of this in 1962, when he proclaimed the independence of Algeria. He also clearly saw that the inclusion of yellows, blacks and browns is only good to a certain extent . Welcoming strangers is like seasoning food with salt. A precise excess no longer adds flavor, but makes the food inedible. The situation is similar with medicine: when taken in moderation, it heals, when overdosed, it kills.

Finally: I did not want to create anti-Muslim feelings in my readers with my study. I would much rather we all have an examination of conscience. Let's be honest: the Muslims who came to Europe have nothing to integrate into. We cannot expect them to identify with Charlie Hebdo, which produces the dirty pages. Or maybe join the Western European churches that employ lesbian bishops and even atheist pastors? The separation of love from faith necessarily leads to a spiritual and then a demographic vacuum. (If love is separated from faith, sex is also separated from love and life-giving love. This is how the vacuum is created, which nature abhors and to which it is impossible to integrate...)

If we Hungarians do not want to become an Islamic caliphate or the European Great Collective of uniformed people planned by George Soros However, we should not follow Muhammad, but Jesus Christ. We urgently need to forget such thoughts:

  • I'll take care of it a bit, then I won't have a problem with that either...
  • I love you a little, and I don't, you know: that's the way it is...
  • With you, Lord, but without you...

We have to learn again that marriage is a sacrament, that a child is not a burden, but a blessing. We must believe that by raising children we will be co-workers of the Creator and Provident God. And we must be able to say again:

  • I believe, Lord, help my unbelief! (Cf. Mk 9:24.)
  • I love you now and forever!
  • With you, Lord! "That's right." And amen.

Author: Gyula Márfi

The entire series can be read here: Notes on Islam